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AOL Patch of AOL knot??

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"Once a boy becomes a Boy Scout replacing his original AOL award is difficult,at least in our council, because and advancement report is needed and only one badge is sold per boy. The knot is used when the AOL patch is not available. After the age of 18 the AOL patch can only be worn by Eagle Scouts who are entitled to wear thier youth rank patch and thus can wear their AOl patch under it. Could be wrong but this is what I've been told. "


Your council is weird.


If a youth wants multiple rank patches for all his extra uniforms, what does he do?


You don't need advancement reports to purchase additional patches. The rank card/merit badge cards are proof the youth earned the award.


A boy scout should be wearing the AOL award, NOT the knot, on their uniform.


After 18, an Eagle Scout is now an ADULT, and should NOT be wearing the AOL patch OR the Eagle patch, and should now be ONLY wearing the knots.



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One of the big mistakes/myths about knots is that 'they are only for adults'. Actually, there are several knots that can be worn by youth:


* Religious Youth Award


* James West Award (some OA Lodges present them to youth!)


* lifesaving award knots


* Hornaday Award


* OA Distinguished Service Award


* Venturing Silver Award (no patch, so youth have to wear it)


* Quartermaster Award


* Venturing Leadership Award


The rest of the knots are usually: knots to represent youth awards (AOL, Eagle), knots for adult training, and knots for adult recognition awards.



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Regarding the Religous Youth Award knot and knot devices.


Depending on your religious group, you may have only a couple of religious awards, or several.


There are a few that have religious awards for Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, Webelos Scouts, younger Boy Scouts (11-14) and older Boy Scouts/Venturers (14-18). Because these awards are NOT just for BSA members, they can be earned by Girl Scouts, Camp Fire members, church youth members, etc.


Should a boy earn more then one of these, they wear the appropriate knot devices to indicate it. It doesn't matter what BSA program the boy is in, it matters which of the particilar religious awards they have earned.


So if the boy has earned the Tiger Cub &/or Cub Scout Award, he wears a Cub Scout Knot device to indicate this. (or 2 if they got both, since there is no Tiger Cub knot device).


If he earns the Webelos Award, he wears the Webelos Knot device.


If he earns the younger Boy Scout Award (some religions may or may not have such, and may only have one award that all Boy Scouts earn), they would wear the Boy Scout knot device.


If he earns the older Boy Scout Award (which is also intended for Venturers, and again some groups may not have two separate awards for different ages of Boy Scouts), then they would wear the Venturers knot device, even if they are NOT Venturers!



I ran into a scout who was wearing 2 Boy Scout knot devices on his religious award knot. I knew this wasn't corrected, so I asked him why. Found out that he had earned the Webelos Award and the youth Boy Scout Award, but as he hadn't finished up the Webelos Award before he crossed over, he thought he had to wear the Boy Scout knot device. I told him this was incorrect and it was more correct to wear the Webelos knot device.



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Want to know how wierd when it comes to rank patches? When a boy was accepted to serve as Staff at our summer camp he got a credit to allow him to buy 2 new uniforms at a discount. The rule is that Staff must wear full field uniforms with ALL the appropriate badges. The problem is that the Scout Shop would not sell them the rank patches. As Scoumaster I had to go to the Council office and raise the roof before I was sold the patches and then just to stop the disruption.

I would like to know where you are getting your information as to using the Venturing pin to represent Boy Scout religious medals, I don't dispute your positiopn but would really like to be able to quote your source.

LongHaul(This message has been edited by LongHaul)

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On the Scouting web site it list all the awards and the Roman Catholic religious award are listed as follows: http://www.scouting.org/awards/religious/awards/index.html


Catholic, Roman

Local council service center, diocesan Scout office, BSA Supply Division, 800-323-0732; or National Catholic Committee on Scouting, 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane, P.O. Box 152079, Irving, TX 75015-2079; 972-580-2114; Web site: http://www.nccs-bsa.org


Cub Scout:

First- and second-graders may earn Light of Christ S, No. 33074


Bear & Webelos Scout:

Parvuli Dei S, No. 33085


Boy Scout and Varsity Scout:

Ad Altare Dei S, No. 33094; C, No. 33072


Venturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout:

Pope Pius XII S, No. 33076A; C, No. 34733A


Adult Recognition:

Saint George Roman Catholic Nomination No. 16-1322


So that means if you earn the Pope Pius XII then you would wear the Venture Pin on your knot.

The Venture device is for the second level emblem (God & Life, Pope Pius XII, Etz Chaim, etc.) earned as an older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, Sea Scout, or Venturer



Also see: http://usscouts.org/usscouts/awards/devices.html


Hope this answers the question for the religous awards.


Mark Maranto

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"I would like to know where you are getting your information as to using the Venturing pin to represent Boy Scout religious medals, I don't dispute your positiopn but would really like to be able to quote your source. "


No problem.


But realize I am NOT speaking about the "Boy Scout" religiou medal. I'm talking about the "God and Life" awards for OLDER Boy Scouts and Venturers and Varsity Scouts, NOT the "God and Church" award for younger Boy Scouts.


This is stated in the "Insignia Guide". If you have questions about uniforms and insignia, this is the work to get. Be advices that some people just don't understand it. The Insignia Guide does NOT spend time saying who CAN'T wear something, only indicate who CAN. And some people just don't understand how the Guide says it.


Anyway. At the end of the section listing all the knots is a footnote:


"The miniature device worn with the youth religious emblem square knot indicated the emblem(s) earned as a youth. Wear Cub Scout device #00926, first level emblem (God & Me, Maccabee, etc) earned as a Tiger Cub or Cub Scout; Webelos Scout device #00932, for second-level emblem (God & Family, Parvuli Dei, Faith in God, Light of the World, Aleph, etc) earned as a Webelos Scout; Boy Scout device #00927, emblem earned as a Boy Scout; and/or Venturing device #00930, emblem earned as a Venturer or older Boy Scout or Varsity Scout. Only one knot is worn, but any combination of devices may be worn on the same knot."


As you can see from the last point. Older Boy Scouts OR Varsity Scouts earning the God & Life level awards wear the Venturing device, NOT a Boy Scout Device and NOT a Varsity Scout device (the Varsity Scout device is really for adults earning training awards as Varsity Scout leaders).



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Thanks Michelle..


Guess I need to get that cub scout pin too. I was told the purple knot is one award, then the next would be adding pins.. so by him having 1 pin on it meant 2 actual awards.. I guess the person that told me that was wrong...



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"Guess I need to get that cub scout pin too. I was told the purple knot is one award, then the next would be adding pins.. so by him having 1 pin on it meant 2 actual awards.. I guess the person that told me that was wrong... "


That's not the way to think of this knot.


The Religious Youth knot is one of several knots that can represent multiple awards. The knot devices serve 2 related purposes:


WHICH program you received the award in, especially when it was in a program you are NOT currently in.


ADDITION awards earned in multiple programs.


For instance.


A Cub Scout who has ONLY earned the Cub Scout level Religious Award would ONLY wear the knot, no device. WHY? They are currently a Cub Scout, so wearing the knot device would be redundant.


Now, if that Cub Scout is now a Boy Scout, it WOULD be appropriate for them to wear the knot and device. It indicated that they received the religious award as a Cub Scout. The absense of also wearing a Boy Scout knot device indicated they have yet to earn an additional one.


Same is true of knots like the Scouter's Key and Scouters Training Award. Even if you earned only one, there ARE times when it is appropriate to wear both the knot and device.


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"Boy Scout device #00927, emblem earned as a Boy Scout; AND/OR Venturing device #00930, emblem earned as a Venturer or older Boy Scout or Varsity Scout."


OK, so you are limiting the Varsity Scout based on the OR, but ignoring the and/or for the Venturing device?


This says to me that if you earn a religious emblem as an older Boy Scout you can choose which device to wear, the Boy Scout or the Venturing.


Personally, I don't think it is that big of a deal, but I really do not like the idea of wearing the Venturing insigna when not in the Venturing program.



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"""Boy Scout device #00927, emblem earned as a Boy Scout; AND/OR Venturing device #00930, emblem earned as a Venturer or older Boy Scout or Varsity Scout."


"OK, so you are limiting the Varsity Scout based on the OR, but ignoring the and/or for the Venturing device? "


Please re-read my post. The above sentence you quote above comes VERBATIM from the BSA's "Insignia Guide". That's not my words, but the BSA's own policy.


The Varsity Scout device is intended for Adult Leaders, not youth, to indicate that the adult Varsity Scout leader has earned the Scouter's Key or Scouters Training Award(s) as a Varisty Scout Leader. It was not created for Varsity Scouts to show they had earned a religous award as a Varsity Scout.


HOWEVER, that said, if a Varsity Scout wished to wear the pin to indicate they had earned their God & Life (or equivalent) award as a Varsity Scout, I doubt most leaders would get upset.


"This says to me that if you earn a religious emblem as an older Boy Scout you can choose which device to wear, the Boy Scout or the Venturing. "


No, sorry, re-read it. If a youth, regardless of program (Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, Venturing) earns the God & Life (or equivalent fourth level religious award), they wear the the Venturing pin. They don't choice. Thus, a Boy Scout who has earned both the God & Church and God & Life awards doesn't wear 2 Boy Scout pins, but the Boy Scout & Venturing pins.


"Personally, I don't think it is that big of a deal, but I really do not like the idea of wearing the Venturing insigna when not in the Venturing program. "


Well, sorry, but this is a continuation of the previous rules of wearing the Exploring insignia that existed prior to 1998.




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okay.. emb021 tonight I will stop at the store and buy a cubscout emblem to put on the knot..


on his Boy Scout unifomr he will wear 1 purple knot, with

1 cub scout (tiger) emblem and

1 webelos emblem. this shows that he earned the religious medal twice.





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