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Class B's

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Where have I read that "Class B's" don't count as official uniform and that a scout shouldn't salute unless in the class A.


I have ran into several concepts that are a hold over from the past and misinformation and am trying to bring everyone up to date on things.




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Although widely used by Scouters and Scouts, the BSA does not recognize the terms Class A and Class B. I'm not sure where those terms originated. When in Field Uniform, the scout should salute appropriately (right had to brim of hat). When in activity uniform (or street clothes), the scout should place right hand over heart.


This can be found in many different BSA publications. I believe the Scoutmaster Handbook is one.


An interesting tidbit:


Rule 80.2 The Scout Salute


The Scout Salute is made only by Members of the Movement (except Beaver Scouts) in uniform on formal Scout occasions, as a mark of respect at the hoisting on National flags, at the playing of National Anthems, to uncased Colours, Scout flags and to funerals. Beaver Scouts do not salute.


The above is from the United Kingdom Scout Asssociation. Beaver Scouts are roughly the equivalent to our Cub Scouts.

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Here in 'Merica the Cub Scouts salute with the Cub Scout salute.


Class A and Class B are military designations for different levels of uniforming.


Everyplace that I've been, we saluted when in the activity uniform, after all it is a uniform.


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There is no such thing as class A or Class B. There is in unorm or out of uniform. There are two uniforms, the field (or dress) uniform and the Activity uniform. Scouts may salute the flag in either.


BUT, keep in mind that the Activity uniform is not a troop t-shirt. It is a troop, camp or BSA t-shirt, scout pants or shorts, scout belt, scout socks.


Bob White

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Bob White, I disagree.


Straight from the SM Handbook:


"Boy Scouts and Scout leaders proudly wear the full uniform for all ceremonial and indoor activites including troop meetings, boards of review, and courts of Honor. The uniform should also be worn during speacial outdoor occasions, such as flag ceremonies, Scout shows, and special times during summer camp.


During physically active outdoor events and informal activites, Scout may wear an activity uniform - troop or camp T-shirts with Scout pants or shorts."


MY interpretation of this is that during formal flag ceremonies (when saluting occurs) the full uniform (field) is worn. Formal flag ceremonies and activity uniforms should be mutually exclusive events. Therefore, when in activity uniform, right hand over heart. However, this is a gray area, similar to the hats on/off debate. FYI, I'm a hats (full uniform hat) on guy during flag ceremonies inside, at church, or where ever.(This message has been edited by acco40)

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There are really two points made here one is Scouts salute the flag. The other is that there is no Class B uniform.

During the Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training leaders are told that there are two Boy Scout uniforms. Either is considered in uniform. The point is there is NO Class B uniform. There is a field uniform an activity uniform and out of uniform. Each has its appropriate time. If you are more comfortable with scouts giving the hand over the heart salute in the activity uniform that's fine. The important thing is they salute, and that we as leaders do not set an example that substituting uniform pieces is appropriate.


Bob White(This message has been edited by Bob White)

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"MY interpretation of this is that during formal flag ceremonies (when saluting occurs) the full uniform (field) is worn. Formal flag ceremonies and activity uniforms should be mutually exclusive events. Therefore, when in activity uniform, right hand over heart."


Sorry but I don't buy that. Do you have any reference that says that you don't salute in the activity uniform? No?


An uniform is an uniform. A soldier salutes in BDUs, Class B, Class A or Mess Dress.


BTW, Is there such a thing as an informal flag ceremony?

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Yaworski, you proved my point! No, there is no such thing as an informal flag ceremony. And the SM Handbook states that "Boy Scouts and Scout leaders proudly wear the full uniform for all ceremonial and indoor activites including troop meetings, boards of review, and courts of Honor. The uniform should also be worn during speacial outdoor occasions, such as flag ceremonies, Scout shows, and special times during summer camp."


Therefore, they should not be in an activity uniform during such ceremonies. Therefore, I conclude, and I agree that not everyone shares this opinion, to place my hand over my heart when wearing the activity uniform. If you read the SM Handbook in context, the "full uniform" in question is the field uniform.


The big picture is that we should teach the boys respect for the flag. If they do this by saluting by bringing the two (Cub), three (Boy Scout) or full finger (Venture) to the brim of the hat or hand over the heart is a lesser issue.



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"The uniform should also be worn during speacial outdoor occasions, such as flag ceremonies, Scout shows, and special times during summer camp."


However, it only says "should" not "must". At camp there was a flag ceremony every morning with no one in a field uniform. However, the command was given "Scout Salute!" before the flag was raised.


Until I read a BSA pub to the contrary, the activity uniform is a uniform and a salute is proper and appropriate.


If, as you contend, one should only salute when one is wearing the full field uniform what should I do when wearing my dress unifrom?



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Yes, I have issues err I mean questions.

If the troop I am in includes a special hat, and I am not wearing the hat can I salute? I am out of uniform per the troop uniform policy?

Should the hat be worn indoors? In a church but not the sacuntary?

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If you are not wearing the hat then it's staus as official or un-official is irrelevant.


You may Salute in or out of the hat.


As far as whether you may wear the hat indoors, there are times when wearing a uniform hat indoors is appropriate, refer to the Insignia Guide 2002-2004 for specifics.


Bob White

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Yaworski, you will find the word "should" many times in BSA publications. The word "must" is rarely used.


As Bob White, myself and others have pointed out, with respect to uniforms in the BSA there are two, field and activity. What do you mean when you refer to "dress" uniform?

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"As Bob White, myself and others have pointed out, with respect to uniforms in the BSA there are two, field and activity. What do you mean when you refer to "dress" uniform? "


You guys really need to read the insignia guide more. The Dress uniform is a blue blazer, grey trousers, white shirt and a red, white and blue Scout tie. Try visiting here for more info.(This message has been edited by yaworski)

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I drove my son to school today. As he got out of the car a custodian was raising the American Flag. There was No ceremony. I don't think you casn have an informal flag ceremony (informal and ceremony seem to contradict each other),but I'm pretty sure I witnessed an informal flag raising. My son stopped and placed his hand over his heart. Had he been in either scout uniform I'm sure he would have saluted. I see no problem with that.


Bob White

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