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hello well after a bad start i'm trying to pick up the pack again and organise things i want to select new leaders and give them their responsabilities. what i whould like to know will be ideas on how to do it since everyone is new to scouting in our fist year (we started on feb 2003) the Dens did't advance,our cubmaster is quiting and i'm taking charge of the pack i also whould like ideas on making the pack code of conduct

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I did take a peep at your profile and didn't learn anything.

The job of selecting quality leadership is up to the chartered organization.

It would seem to me that you need the help of your unit commissioner.

If you don't know who this is, give the Council Service Center a call and they will give you the name of someone who can help.

Please don't rush into a "Code Of Conduct".

It is far more important that you do everything you can to get everyone off to training.

Your District Cubscout Training Chair. will have all the details, and ought to have a Fast Start video to help get everyone started on the right foot.

Even if it seems that things are not going as well as you would like, try and look on the bright side; there are a lot of people who will come to help you - If you ask.

There is an entire District Committee, who will be only too glad to help, along with the Commissioner Staff.

So keep your chin up. Smile.

Start reading the Cubscout Leader Book at bedtime.


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Step one, divide the willing adults into two groups... Works well with kids and works well with adults.

From the first group draw your team, from the second form your committee. You need both to run a pack and best to put folks where they best fit.

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Excellent advice so far. Here are a few more ideas. Please understand that they are from a very, very old Cub Scout, a very old Boy Scout, an old volunteer Scouter, and an old (15 years) professional scouter. And I'm only 37 . . . but when you start when you're 8 . . .


1) Eamonn's advice to get everyone to training is excellent.


2) Get thee to a roundtable. If a Cub Scouter impresses you, meet them and ask for help. You'll get it.


3) Consult with your unit commissioner, if you have one, or DE if you do not. Put your lips up to their ear and suck -- as a Scout Executive once advised me when I went off to a training conference with a professional he admired.


4) Read the manuals. They're mostly flexible, but if you have a question they can answer it. If the manual confuses you, seek clarification everywhere you can. Your district committee, commissioner staff, office and professional staff, and even this forum will seek to help you succeed.


5) And this is the only NOT in my thread -- do NOT attempt to do it all yourself. Of all the leadership qualities used in Scouting, in my opinion, delegation without abdication (allowing someone to do their job without giving up oversight) is the most powerful and stengthening to the Scouting program.


Good luck. I'm available for advice should you ever need it.



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