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Once Again - Uniforms and BOR

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What else does your unit require your Scouts to do that is adding to the requirements, Brent? Travel in uniform? Wear Scout hats? Requiring a Scout to bring his un-required handbook to anything is adding to the requirements. Keep puffing yourself up about how good they look, Brent.

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Actually Brent, He was saying YOUR ARGUMENT was sad!He did not in any way, shape or from imply that scouts in uniform or scouts in uniform who were also carrying the NON-REQUIRED Scout handbook were sad.





Yes! Apparently, you can't!


Requireing a scout to have his book is adding to requirements.

Requiring a book as part of the uniform is changing the uniform.


BSA did not say that you cannot add to requirement or change the uniform "Unless it makes practical sense to some troops>"


BSA just said you cannot add to or change requirements.


Now, if you were to go back and try that reading thing,, I never said we required a Cub Scout to do anything.


But you did. You said your troop requires unifoms for BOR and requires a book to be part of a uniform for BOR.


Your troop is out of line as far as BSA policies are concerned.


Now, In my opinion, I'd like to see all the scouts in full uniform, but I also know the difference between my opinion and policy. I do not spout my opinion and try to pass it off as policy!



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