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Posts posted by InquisitiveScouter

  1. 4 minutes ago, jscouter1 said:

    Ah I think thats what my SM is trying to avoid, he thinks the arrow steals scouts. I am willing to bet I am the only scout in a very large troop who actually knows what the arrow is. I get the sense he is okay with me joining the arrow but wants to keep it under the rug so other scouts dont try and join.

    Many adult leaders have experienced this.

    If you are selected by your unit, and then you do not support your unit, and, instead, go and support only lodge functions, then you and your Troop have chosen poorly.

    An Arrowman's first duty is to his unit.

    To avoid this situation, many unit leaders choose not to use the Order of the Arrow in their unit program.  That is their prerogative.


  2. 3 minutes ago, jscouter1 said:

    As far as the election goes, do you have to run or is everyone qualified included.

    Everyone who is qualified, and approved by the SM is on the selection list (not really a ballot).  All candidates get, basically, a Yes or No vote from their Troop.  If you get 50% Yes votes, you are in.  A few other criteria must be met, but that's down in the weeds...

  3. Option 1:  Ask your Scoutmaster if you can make the arrangements and organize a unit OA election.  If they say yes, come back here for more instructions.  Then, if you are selected and complete your Ordeal, ask the SPL if you can be the Unit OA Representative.  If your SM says No, go to option 2 or 3.

    Option 2:  Become a multiple member of another unit that does use OA in its program.  Get selected (elected is the wrong word for what this is, these days...)  This could be another Troop, or a Crew.  Being a multiple is free (membership fees-wise)

    Option 3:  Change Troops

  4. Mandatory viewing???

    Equity, nationally, would also be:

    - Paternity leave equal to maternity leave allowances

    - Women must register for the draft

    - Equity in court judgements for men in family courts and criminal sentences as compared to women

    - No physical standards for men different than women in military units, police, firefighters, etc.  Define the requirements for the job, and anyone who can meet them is qualified...  (a lot of people won't like that one)

    etc., etc., etc.

  5. 1 hour ago, Eagledad said:

    It's just a way for the BSA to check the progressive. box. I'm not sure what population you are speaking of, but this requirement isn't going to change it. The BSA has been working to get into other demographics like inner city, but the effort is a challenge that requires a lot of resources. 


    Here's a simple fix that could be implemented across the country...

    Cut the average SE by $50K and BSA C-suite executive salary by $100K (Easily done, with virtually no impact to actual local BSA services (yes, that's an opinion).).  Use that money to HIRE a Scoutmaster for your council's specific "underserved" population, and fund camperships to Summer Camp until the SM's can inculcate a culture of earning your way. (see page 101 at the link...)


    You could instantly create 300+ jobs (some councils need more than one new unit), and provides opportunity for 6K+ youth (assuming a modest 20 Scouts per unit average reached).


    1 hour ago, mrjohns2 said:

    The issue is that the BSA has been irrelevant to certain populations in the country

    That's not because of "diversity"

    • Like 1
  6. @qwazse is right on the money with ticket ideas...

    Here are a few others:

    - Give a roundtable presentation on the religious awards program

    - Complete the requirements for American Cultures MB with a registered counselor, then become a counselor yourself.


    - Complete the requirements for Indian Lore MB with a registered counselor, then become a counselor yourself.


    - Complete the requirements for American Heritage MB with a registered counselor, then become a counselor yourself.


    - Complete the requirements for Fingerprinting MB (YES, Fingerprinting!!), then become a counselor yourself.  When it finally changes to Biometrics MB, keep with it.  (Fingerprints are the ultimate mark of diversity, but if a person does not have fingers, what biometric markers make them identifiably unique?)


    - Pick any of the requirements in the merit badges above and give a presentation to a unit or at roundtable. (Market your MB!)

    - Learn about and give a roundtable presentation on various (or just one) BSA adult recognitions for working with different communities:

    Asian American Spirit of Scouting Service Award, Community Organization Award, George Meany Award, Messengers of Peace Award, iScouting!… Vale la Pena! Service Award, Special Needs Scouting Service Award, Torch of Gold, Whitney M. Young Jr. Service Award, etc.

    SOOOOO many different avenues you could take with this, to identify initiatives BSA has had around for years and years to support "diversity"

  7. I have found that treating people as unique individuals who are created in the image of God to be the most useful take on developing relationships with them, helping them explore their challenges, hopes and dreams, and working with them to reach for their potential.

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  8. 9 hours ago, mashmaster said:

    I did notice very much that many units just stopped and refused to adapt during the pandemic.  Our Ship was able to adapt and grow over the last year.  We did lots of things different from the past and we try to be open with the youth and parents for creative solutions. 

    All units are as strong as the amount of volunteers they have.  We are constantly in the situation of having to get enough adults to go camping and sailing.  It is a heavy burden on a few people, that I fear will stop being able to help out.  We have had to cancel events because of not enough adults.  That hurts the youth.


  9. The life of all Scout units is bound up more in the adult volunteers and parents than in the youth...

    I'm not sure BSA really gets this...  That is, it seems the marketing is to try to appeal to youth primarily.  They see all the adventure advertising and say, "Hey, I'd like to do that!"

    Parents sign them up and are then told, "Hey, you have to help plan, organize, train, and support that!"

    Classic bait and switch?

    With our prospective parents/youth who visit our unit, we tell them we recruit parents first.  We expect parents to participate on some level in the program.


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  10. Ok, so, for kicks I ran through the last five IRS Form 990's available for our council (from the IRS website)  (latest posted is 2019), Schedule G, Part II, Fundraising Events.

    Net Income?

    2019:  -$10,617 (5 total events...golf outings, skeet shoots, etc.)

    2018: -$7,550 (7 total events)

    2017: -$6,261 (7 total events)

    2016: -$68,351 (8 total events)

    2015:  $41,735 (7 total events, and hey!  In the black)

    So, for those five years, the net income for 34 events was -$51,044

    Does this mean the other revenues in our council have gone to subsidize these?

    Or, is there some accounting nuance I might be missing here?


  11. And second youth staffer from my unit just confirmed....during the storm, adult staff did leave the dining hall to check on the NYLT patrols.  (I'm fine with that...adults can assume their own risk...)

    But, the adult staff also had the youth staff go out in the storm to visit and check on NYLT patrols, with active lightning/thunder.  I had the Scout on speaker phone with his Dad...

    I told him to please never do that again.  Adults should not be directing them to take that risk.  And, if they do, politely refuse.  If they press, excuse yourself, get your phone and call your parent for help.

    Dad wholeheartedly concurred.

    That Scout is 14.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, jcousino said:

    Be careful  with the feedback been told that i am taking up to much of the councils time with safety issues and suggestions

    Yes, the usual practice is to wait until someone gets hurt/killed, settle the law suit, then do something about it...

    With thoughts and prayers for the family, of course...

    Jade for sale, anyone?

    Amazon.com: CrystalAge Jade Tumble Stone (20-25mm) - Pack of 5 :  CrystalAge: Home & Kitchen

  13. So, I just spoke with the Camp Director/Training Advisor...

    During Summer Camp, there is simply not enough space to provide safe haven for all campers inside recommended structures.  Summer Camp "procedures" are to watch storm cells on radar, and only pull people into the robust structures if the cells get within 10 miles or if there is "significant effect" to camp, in the eyes of Camp Director and Program Director.  (His explanation, not mine...) 

    My observation of this practice is that it is based on an underlying assumption is that lightning is predictable.  I do appreciate the dilemma based on building capacities.  Of course, the follow on question is, well what do you do when there is a "significant effect" or the cells are within 10, with those that don't fit in the buildings?

    At this NYLT weekend event, he had advised Course Directors to use those Summer Camp procedures.

    Camp Director concurs with me that this is not acceptable, and that, if space is available, it must be used.  He agreed (from under his Training Advisor hat) that they should not have applied the Summer Camp practices to this event.

    We will talk again soon after I digest this...and I will ask what course of action he intends to implement.  Holding on to the Near Miss report until next conversation tomorrow...


    At the out-of-council Summer Camp we attended year before last, this was pretty much the same story.  (I didn't give a flying leap.)  When there was visible lightning/audible thunder, I happened to be near the Scoutmaster lounge, so informed the camp leadership.  One (remaining nameless & title-less) looked at his phone and said "That storm isn't going to affect us."  I told him I was pulling all my Scouts into the dining hall. 

    As if it would change my mind he said, "Well, they are going to get partials for the classes they miss."  I walked away to gather our Scouts into the dining hall.   While we were in there, Scouts were out in the pouring rain, changing classes.  Lightning struck and downed a tree less than 100 feet from dining hall.  The flash and bang were spectacular 😜 In about 45 seconds, we had 200 new friends in there with us .  One of those times you hate being right...  Now anytime I tell our Scouts we are getting to cover, they skedaddle!


    • Confused 1
  14. 15 minutes ago, yknot said:

    When were these built? Who is your incident report going to? If it were me I would cc NCAP and the municipality where the camp is located. I would wonder whether those structures are up to current code. Also, municipal policies for youth events within township borders might supercede BSA camp policies. Regulations for municipal youth sports facilities, for example, can be pretty stringent and enforced. You don't see many teams stuck in dugouts during weather events. It's not ideal to draw attention from a government source but in cases where the judgement of BSA leadership can't be trusted -- and we all know nothing much will happen if your report is solely internal -- then the priority becomes ensuring the safety of future scouts. 

    All good ideas... I'll try a "feedback is a gift" approach first and see if it gains any traction.

    And no idea on construction dates...50's and 60's original structures is my best guess, with multiple patchy repairs over the years

  15. 9 minutes ago, RememberSchiff said:

    What I have seen are just the Camp Safety Rules (including bad weather, wildfires procedures) printed in large type on a 5x7 or larger cards and enclosed in a weatherproof seal. These signs are posted on all structures - camp office to latrines. Not unlike the Safety Signs in classrooms regarding nearest fire exit and shelter-in-place.

    I like the NOAA sign.

    another reference


    But this sign might not really help...

    What is a "Substantial Building"?  I know the answer, but a 12-13 year old will most likely not...  If this sign was posted on a lean-to, a Scout could easily interpret that to mean "Shelter Here"

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