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Posts posted by InquisitiveScouter

  1. Not mistrust...

    For an old man, you do jump a lot... to conclusions, that is.

    I find that the individual counselors do a much better job of guiding Scouts as they fulfill the requirements.

    Your average 15-year old teaching a bunch of Scouts at summer camp??? Not so much...  A whole heck of a lot of pencil-whipping going on.

    But hey, that's what parents are paying for, right?  Wink, wink, nudge, nudge...


    • Upvote 1
  2. 1 hour ago, SiouxRanger said:

    So, how about a YPT Certificate rule that provides, that if you take YPT Training Sept through Dec, you are good for 2 years PLUS, that is, through the second recharter of your unit. (Again, assuming a 12-31-YYYY recharter date.) No volunteer will have their YPT Certificate expire DURING their term of service with their unit.  (And Councils that recharter on other month ends, can adjust accordingly.)

    Free thinkers will be ridiculed, ostracized, and banned!  Report to your council service center immediately for rejection processing.  If you really wish to push your idea, submit it in writing with higher denominations of currency, and we'll provide further rejection.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Just now, fred8033 said:

    There is some flexibility for units.  Very similar to the BOR discussion in this thread.  Units can correct for clearly unearned badges. 

    My point is it is absolutely wrong to think / treat the unit leader signatures as approving the badge.  That is absolutely not the point of the unit leader signing the badge.  Heck, even if the unit leader signs, you could apply the above GTA  

    The point is:  The MBC approves the badge; not the unit leader.

    Agreed, but I do see it as my job as a Unit Leader to ask the Scout some questions to determine if they actually completed the badge.

    Not a retest, but a confirmation of completing the requirements as written.

    This is the dirty underbelly of Scouting, IMHO...  If you peel the onion back, I'd bet you find many, many badges are not completed according to the requirements... especially those acquired at Summer Camps.

    I have gotten to the point that I do not really peel the onion back, but just ask the questions to provoke thought in the Scout about his personal integrity.

    • Upvote 1
  4. Just now, fred8033 said:

    Minor clarification.  It's just the MBC signature that defines the badge as done.  The unit leader signature is just evidence that the badge was handed over to the unit.  Proof that "hey, I gave you the merit badge card.  I have proof."  ... it's not confirming the badge was earned.  That's fully in the hands of the merit badge counselor.

    Not quite... 

    GTA Limited Recourse for Unearned Merit Badges From time to time, it may be discovered that merit badges could not actually have been earned. For example, a Scout who returns from summer camp or a merit badge fair with evidence for an extraordinary number of badges could raise concerns. If, after consulting with those involved in the merit badge program—such as an event coordinator, the camp director, or a merit badge counselor—it becomes plainly evident that a youth could not have actually and personally fulfilled requirements as written, then the limited recourse outlined below is available. It may result in a decision that some or all of the requirements for a badge could not have been fulfilled, and thus, that the badge was not actually earned. After such a consultation, the unit leader, in a positive environment similar to that of a unit leader conference, discusses with the Scout the circumstances under which a merit badge in question was approved. A parent or an assistant unit leader should attend as an observer. The Scout shall not be retested on the requirements, but a conversation with the Scout can reveal if he or she attended the class, and actually and personally fulfilled all the requirements. Such a discussion could cover who taught a class, what sort of activities took place, where and when they occurred, how testing was done, what the Scout might have brought home from the class, and other similar process-oriented details. In most cases, with a fair and friendly approach, a Scout who did not complete the requirements will admit it. Short of this, however, if it remains clear under the circumstances that some or all of the requirements could not have been met, then the merit badge is not reported or awarded, and does not count toward advancement. The unit leader then offers the name of at least one other merit badge counselor through whom any incomplete requirements may be finished. Note that in this case a merit badge is not “taken away” because, although signed off, it was never actually earned. Just as we avoid penalizing Scouts for the mistakes of adults, it should be a rare occurrence that a unit leader finds the need to question whether merit badges have been earned. This procedure for recourse is limited and reserved only for clear and evident cases of noncompletion or nonparticipation. For example, the recourse could be allowed when it would not have been possible to complete a specific requirement at the location of the class, event, or camp; if time available was not sufficient—perhaps due to class size or other factors—for the counselor to observe that each Scout personally and actually completed all the requirements; if time available was insufficient for a “calendar” requirement such as for Personal Fitness or Personal Management; or if multiple merit badges in question were scheduled at the same time. This procedure is not to be viewed as an opportunity for retesting on requirements, for interjecting another set of standards over those of a merit badge counselor, or for debating issues such as whether a Scout was strong enough, mature enough, or old enough to have completed requirements. Unit leaders who find it necessary to make use of this recourse must act quickly—if possible, within 30 days of discovery. It is inappropriate to delay a Scout’s advancement with anything less than a prompt decision. If Scouts or their parents or guardians believe a unit leader has incorrectly determined that a merit badge was not earned, or more than 30 days have passed without a reasonable explanation for the lack of a decision, they should address their concerns with the unit committee. They should first, however, develop a thorough understanding of the merit badge requirements and that each one must be passed exactly as it is set forth. Upon encountering any merit badge program where BSA standards are not upheld, unit leaders are strongly encouraged to report the incident to the council advancement committee, preferably using the form found in the appendix (see “Reporting Merit Badge Counseling Concerns,”

  5. 1 hour ago, jcousino said:

    once a merit badge is sign off it has been earned even if the dad signed. if they were approved  listed councilor


    Consider a Scout with Hiking MB, using this MB for rank advancement, and a BoR member asks the Scout where he completed the 20-mile hike, and what he thought about it.  Scout says he never did that requirement.  Now we have an issue.  (It should not have gotten to that point, but the BoR could uncover things like this.) 

    Hopefully, the BoR would ask the ask the Scout what he thinks he should do in that situation, and, hopefully, the Scout would have the integrity to want to complete the requirements as stated.  If this is the agreement, the BoR could suspend until another time.

    I have seen this go both ways... Scout agrees to come back to the BoR after he finishes the requirement.  And, in another case, Scout (and aprent) say, No, the counselor and unit leader signed it off, so we're gonna go with that.  Again, this is a good opportunity to discuss integrity, but, as others have pointed out, we will never penalize the Scout for the mistakes made by two adults (counselor, and leader who signed off the badge at the end of the process.)

    1 hour ago, jcousino said:

    Scoutmaster signed scoutmaster conference off so it was completed

    I'm not sure I understand this.  The SM Conference (SMC) is not required to be completed after all the other requirements are done, although this is the scheme used by most.  (An SMC could actually be the first requirement a Scout gets signed off for that rank advancement!)

    • Upvote 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, FireStone said:

    Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but removing a scout without a reason specific to that scout (behavior, bullying, dangerous actions, etc), is probably not something that a CC can do. They can ask a leader to step down, or eventually remove a leader, but removing a scout without cause seems like a stretch of the CC's authority. At least not without the COR rep being the one to say the scout has to go.

    You are correct.  Even a COR should not remove a Scout without cause.  If they do, the parent should get the DE involved for resolution.

    If leaders bump leaders, council isn't going to weigh in.  If you take adverse action against a Scout, they should get involved.

  7. Unfortunately, once someone forms a negative opinion or perception of you, you aren't really gonna be able to change that in a short time.  And, it largely depends on whether that person is open-minded.

    "Is there anything that can be done about this?"

    Sure... leave it alone for now.  And ask yourself, "Why would they think I am a gossip? or Who is giving them this misinformation?"  If you are a gossip, stop.  If you know who is gossiping about you, avoid them and read this:


    Worry about your character rather than your reputation. (Someone said that, but I'm not gonna google it just now...)


    • Thanks 1
  8. 34 minutes ago, BetterWithCheddar said:

    You can put loads of time and effort into programming, but in my opinion, it still comes down to people. 

    Yes, this is true in any endeavor.  I said that of my 25+ years in the military:  

    The best thing about it is some of the people you meet and work with.  The worst thing about it is some of the people you meet and work with.

    Scouting is very much the same.

  9. 36 minutes ago, BetterWithCheddar said:

    I'm about 2 months into my tenure as a Lions Den Leader. We just had our first Den meeting on Tuesday.

    Most Scouts in our Pack are from the same elementary school. The school allows us to hold our monthly Pack meeting in the school cafeteria, but has limited meeting time / space for other groups. Fortunately, I was able to reserve a community room at our public library for Den meetings. This turned out to be a stroke of good luck because parents told me they liked having the opportunity to let their kids check out books before or after the meeting. Some families let older siblings tag along and browse the stacks while the Lion Scout and parent participated in the Den meeting. I was just desperate to find a reliable and convenient meeting location, but may have stumbled upon a winner.

    The theme of our first meeting was "Meet the Lions." We spent 10 minutes discussing the Scout Oath and Law so the Scouts could complete the "Lion's Honor" adventure and earn their first belt loop. The rest of the meeting was spent decorating their own poster board with drawings of 1) their hobbies and interests, 2) their families, and 3) what the hoped to do in Scouting this year. Afterwards, they had an opportunity to share their poster with the Den. I thought this went well. They seemed engaged and never got too silly. There was good interaction between Scouts and parents. Plus, all of the boys were brave enough to stand up in front of the group and talk about their posters.

    Interesting take-away: 4 of the 5 Scouts drew something camping-related for what they hoped to do in Scouting this year. The 5th Scout (mine) drew a bunch of badges because he's really excited to earn awards this year. I don't think this is due to a narcissistic high need for achievement, but rather a Minions short film where the Minions join the "Badger Scouts" and try to earn merit badges.

    Here's my dilemma: I've got 5 brand new scouts who want to get outdoors, but winter can be unforgiving in our region and it won't be reliably nice out again until May. I think I'll bring a small tent to our next Den meeting and challenge the boys to put it together as a gathering activity (just to give them a taste of the outdoors), but that may only satisfy them for another month.


    Well done!  You know that Cub Scouts are not allowed to do winter camping***.  But, see if a local camp has heated cabins.  Take them (and parents, of course)to the camp and have a winter experience.  Maybe they will see some Scouts camping out and aspire to that.

    Then explain that they have much to learn about taking care of themselves and learning to work together before you can take them camping in warmer weather.

    *** of course, BSA does not define winter camping.  Is that camping from winter solstice until vernal equinox?  Doesn't really fit with Cubs in South Florida ;p. 

    Is it camping out when the temp reaches 32F?  We have had great fall Cub camping trips when there has been a little frost on the pumpkin...

    There is room for good judgement here.  If your winters are harsh, but you have a heated space where your Lions can sleep and retreat to when they are cold, I think they'll really enjoy  it.

    Hopefully, the space is big enough to set up tents inside!  This would be great training.

  10. 2 minutes ago, yknot said:

    AK47 has become one of the preferred weapons of choice in mass shootings.  

    Only, it isn't.  Preferred firearm for mass shootings? Handguns


    And this wasn't a mass shooting...

    And most people probably wouldn't know what an AK47 looks like.  

    • Upvote 1
  11. Yes, the actual news report itself is fearmongering, or, at a minimum, sensationalizing.

    Take this one:


    "Carvalho was accidentally shot and killed when another child picked up an AK-47 at the shooting range on the Boy Scouts campsite near Honokaa."

    Would the story be any different if it said "Carvalho was accidentally shot and killed when another child picked up an unsecured rifle at the shooting range on the Boy Scouts campsite near Honokaa."

    Here's another one:


    "Carvalho was shot when another boy, who police said was unsupervised, picked up a loaded AK-47 semi automatic rifle at the range. When the boy set the gun back down, it went off and the bullet struck Carvalho in the head."

    Substantially different if it was reported this way??: "Carvalho was shot when another boy, who police said was unsupervised, picked up a loaded AK-47 semi automatic rifle at the range. When the boy set the gun back down, it went off and the bullet struck Carvalho in the head."

    That is what I mean by fearmongering (and now sensationalizing.)  Again, the type of firearm was irrelevant.

    The first article in the thread is a good piece of objective reporting:


  12. 17 minutes ago, yknot said:

    Most of the general public, even those neutral or casually supportive of youth shooting sports and probably a lot of scout parents, are unaware that an AK47 could be at a scout range. This particular tragedy is about adult negligence and the apparent failure of training programs but on the macro level it may lead people to wonder what an AK47 is doing anywhere near a scout. The public facing side of scout shooting sports has been gun safety, marksmanship, and hunting as a component of outdoor sportsmanship. An AK47 does not fit into that picture. 

    The type of firearm is irrelevant.  And the mention of it, I equate to fearmongering.  This death could have occurred with a .22 single shot rifle, or even a pellet gun (.177)

    Here is someone else's perspective I am evaluating, but do not currently agree with:


    • Upvote 1
  13. 37 minutes ago, BearsBeetsBSG said:

    Thanks, MattR. 
    That’s a great suggestion for the rest of the girls and getting things going for them.  

    I think my question in regard to the Scout is, does this qualify as leadership for rank if she’s in the position but performs no actual leadership? Is that something the Scoutmaster can bring up in Scoutmaster conference and deny her credit for that position toward her next rank until she actually shows some leadership? I ask because she’s Life and closing in on Eagle. Does she get a rubber stamp on the requirement because she held the position?  That doesn’t seem right to me. She’s 15, so no risk of aging out before she gets another opportunity to lead her troop. 


    If a Scout is not performing, you must set expectations and goals (good material for an SM Conference).  (RECOMMEND you document this.)  After this conference, if those expectations are not met, then you may remove from the position and not give credit back until the time of the SM Conference.  Time served up until the SM Conference for expectations counts and should (must?) be credited.

    From G2A:  https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/33088.pdf Meeting Unit Expectations. If a unit has established expectations for positions of responsibility, and if, within reason (see the note under “Rank Requirements Overview,”, based on the Scout’s personal skill set, these expectations have been met, the Scout has fulfilled the requirement. When a Scout assumes a position, something related to the desired results must happen. It is a disservice to the Scout and to the unit to reward work that has not been done. Holding a position and doing nothing, producing no results, is unacceptable. Some degree of responsibility must be practiced, taken, or accepted. When Responsibilities Are Not Met. If a unit has clearly established expectations for position(s) held, then—within reason—a Scout must meet them through the prescribed time. If a Scout is not meeting expectations, then this must be communicated early. Unit leadership may work toward a constructive result by asking the Scout what he or she thinks should have been accomplished in that time. What is the Scout’s concept of the position? What does the Scout think the troop leaders—youth and adult— expect? What has been done well? What needs improvement? Often this questioning approach can lead a young person to the decision to measure up. The Scout will tell the leaders how much of the service time should be recorded and what can be done to better meet expectations. If it becomes clear that performance will not improve, then it is acceptable to remove the Scout from the position. It is the unit leader’s responsibility to address these situations promptly. Every effort should have been made while the Scout was in the position to ensure the Scout understood expectations and was regularly supported toward reasonably acceptable performance. It is unfair and inappropriate—after six months, for example—to surprise someone who thinks his or her performance has been fine with news that it is now considered unsatisfactory. In this case, the Scout must be given credit for the time.

    There is other guidance related to this in G2A...

    • Upvote 1
  14. 1. Yes.  Our current unit is at a level of "greatness."

    2.  Many things, but these stand out:

    A.  Dedicated adult leadership that understands and pursues the Patrol Method!  They seek to become skilled themselves, maintain those skills, and cultivate a mindset of continuous, thoughtful, directed improvement of adult support to the youth-led program.  There is no "resting on your laurels." 

    - Dedicated adult leadership that understands and pursues training and adherence to BSA policies and procedures! 

    B.  A commitment to have an outdoor camping experience monthly.  Even if you have only two Scouts who want to go.  And I mean camping, not staying in a cabin 😜

    C.  A vision (and perhaps a mission statement to support that.)  "Where there is no vision, the people perish."  And it is best if this vision comes from the SPL!!  Here is our current one:  "Troop XXXX is the best Scouting experience in our community!"  And the mission statement, developed by the PLC, to support: "Troop XXXX is Scouting at its best. We use the patrol method to develop youth and adult members with an in-depth knowledge of Scout skills. Our Scouts and Scouters are trained leaders who consistently strive to improve ourselves and make our Troop better while striking a balance between work and fun. " 

    D.  JTE is a good system of metrics.  We use it to help set goals for our annual program.  We have achieved Gold in the last six years.  This year, we have aimed to score Gold in every category.  I have never seen that accomplished, but we are on track to do it this year!  I know some don't like it, but it works for us.

    E.  A robust relationship with the Chartering Organization.  Our COR has two Scouts in the Troop, participates in many events, and is on the governing body of the church that sponsors us, so the relationship is very strong.

    F.  A varied program that recognizes "ages and stages" and provides multiple opportunities for older Scouts, to include one unit-run "high adventure" trip per year.

    G.  A good relationship with your Unit Commissioner!  Although we do not have a Unit Commissioner just now.  The UC can take an impartial look at your unit and recommend improvements.  

    H.  Use Order of the Arrow as part of the Troop program to recognize Scouts who exemplify the Scout Oath and Law.

    I.  Meetings that are planned (including a game!!!), and the plan followed, as conditions permit.  (This is one we struggle with, as youth do not want to spend the time planning.)

    J.  Growing the ability to remove reliance on district/council/national for support.  Our biggest areas of consumption from these are uniforms and insignia (national), literature (for program and training) (national), Summer Camp (council-level, but not our council; with national standards and accreditation) and registration/advancement tracking (council/national).  It is easy (for us) to live without the district.  I would submit that we have the technology to do away with the council.   Or, at least, the multitude of councils we have now.  The primary raison d'être for councils now is to run a Summer Camp (and to raise money to pay their own salaries.)  I would submit this could be done from a State/Regional/Service Territory type of system.   This topic is a whole other discussion, but I think the mindset  of becoming as autonomous as possible in our unit has made us more successful.

    There are more, but I'll stop at 10!!!



    • Thanks 2
  15. 14 hours ago, 5thGenTexan said:

    In the state of Texas, trailers of this size and GVWR are not titled at all.  The registration is just changed from one owner to the next. I have it registered and current tags.  I am as legal as I can be in that regard.

    So, in the end, how did you show you were affiliated with the BSA?

  16. 8 minutes ago, qwazse said:

    Oh, for the love of all that is right and holy ...

    Let the kid take a break from troop life! I've seen so many "wrecked" teens who were in this for their dads or grandpas. Maybe you have an exit plan, but I've seen plenty of dads who don't, here are some steps:

    • Thank him for telling you this early rather than holding it in. Invite him to keep doing that going forward.
    • Make it clear that if he wants to limit his scouting activities, he can. If he wants to resign from the troop, this is the perfect time to do it before they recharter him for the coming year.
    • Tell him he needs to let his SM and PL that he will only be staying to the end of the year. (Obviously, you may want to give the SM the heads-up.)
    • Let him know that you want, just like the Good Book says, to bring him up in the way he should go -- not the way you needed to go when you were a kid. Being a part of his life is more important than any bling in the world.
    • Let him know that the Oath and Law and Outdoor code don't stop because he's off the charter. You expect him to be noble and grow up strong and good. The world's counting on it. (Well, at least one stranger on the internet is.)

    A year or two away from the troop, and maybe a few camping trips with his boring family, boredom with summer chores when everyone else is at camp, and he might reconsider. Until then, forget this "transitional bump" and (with all due respect to @InquisitiveScouter) troop life is not something worth negotiating a reward with your kid. There are far more serious things to trade for (academic excellence, craftsmanship, family financial health).

    A scout is trustworthy, take him at his word. If he changes his mind in a few months, take him at his word.

    Oh, and @FireStone, don't be afraid to keep on scouting if you have a fulfilling role in your troop/district, but remember that we're here for you even if you're off the roster for the sake of your son. :D

    Concur, to a point.

    Family situations are varied and complex.  For our family, in the situation we have been in over the past years transitioning from a life on the move in the military to trying to set down some roots, Scouting is/was a great activity for our kids.  And negotiating rewards has worked extremely well for us.

    He asked for advice and I gave him advice.  Just because it doesn't or may not have worked for you, don't poo-poo other people's input.

    And by the way, we used Scouting in concert with faith, academic excellence, craftsmanship, and family financial health.  Scouting reinforces all of those things, as you well know.

    • Upvote 4
  17. My first read is that your son is realizing he is growing up, and responsibility/accountability scare the heck out of him.  So he wants to avoid those situations, in the hopes that something else will be available where everything is done for him, like in Cub Scouts.  BTW... very impressive that this young man perceives the actual reasons he doesn't wish to continue, and is able to integrate his feelings and thoughts, then verbalize them.  IMO, most Scouts have difficulty with this.

    Incentivize the behavior you want.

    You want him to continue with Scouting.  Currently, he does not.   Find out what motivates him, and use that as a carrot.  For example, if he really likes skateboarding, make a deal with him that if he does Scouting through Christmas, you'll get him a new skateboard.  Yes, it is OK to negotiate rewards with your children!!  https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/experimenting-babies/201907/no-youre-not-bribing-your-kids

    Also, do not push advancement!!!  Push experiences!!! Let's go camping/hiking/bird watching/climbing/rafting/cycling.  The advancement will follow!!!

    If he has fun without the pressure of focusing on advancement, and then later realizes advancement is a by-product of outdoor experiences, he may come around.


    • Upvote 2
  18. 15 hours ago, 5thGenTexan said:

    At least in Texas the insurance of the tow vehicle extends to the trailer in the event of an accident.  So, whoever is towing is on the hook.

    The adult that found and purchased the trailer has been with the boy troop for years, their Scouts have earned Eagle awhile ago.  It was bought and donated for the used of the girl troop.  

    I do have a bill of sale that was signed by both parties and appears to be about as official as you can get and it was provided to the tag office today when I registered it.  

    I have been down this road many times... (pun intended?)

    1.  Yes, the driver's insurance covers for accidents for towing.  However, the insurance company will only pay damages to the trailer to the titled owner!!  And they will want a copy of the title (especially if the trailer is a total loss, since they take possession in that case.)

    2.  From your posts, the old Troop (or their old COR) is still technically the owner.  You have a bill of sale, and that is awesome.  Scan it and keep a digital copy 😜  Continue pursuing the correct and current titling/registration/plates.  Please don't use it again until done.  A Scout is Obedient!  Set the example and obey the law.

    3.  This whole thing comes down to taxes.   In whose name were you trying to title/register the trailer?  Unless your Troop is separately incorporated as a 501 C(3), they should not be on the title or registration.  It should be your COR.  For you in the UMC world of CORs, this could be a sticky wicket.  In a nutshell, only a legal entity can own property.  That is, only a person or corporation...  If you were trying to register the title in the name of a corporation, then the state usually asks for a letter from that corporation designating the person appearing to act as an agent of that corporation for the purposes of the transaction.  If you are registering the trailer under a private name (which I recommend you not do), then you'll most likely pay taxes (taxes and fees for vehicle title transfers vary state to state.)  If you register it under the name of a 501 c (3) (at least in our state) then taxes will be waived.  Here in this state, you must have said letter of designation.  YMMV.  Happy to provide the text of a letter for a template, if you'd like.

    Postscript:  Our Troop uses three trailers.  One canoe trailer and two gear trailers.  All three are registered to our COR.  We pay upkeep and maintenance, but they belong to our COR.  That way, if the Troop should fold, the COR can keep the trailers for a future unit that may arise form the ashes.  COR holds the titles, and receives the registration renewal notices, which they forward to us to remit.  This tenet is always true:  the COR owns all vehicles/monies/gear, but signs an agreement with the council (the Annual Charter Agreement) that all this will be used for the purposes of Scouting.

    "Be a good steward of unit resources and adhere to BSA Fiscal Policies. ie. Unit Money Earning projects"


    See Dissolution of Unit section

    • Upvote 1
  19. No one asserted that. Someone posted above that a CP threatened removal.  All it would take is talking with the CE and getting agreement.  In writing, neither have that power unilaterally.  In practice, I have only seen CE's take this action (of course, not knowing what discussions were had with CP).

    It stands to reason if a CP and CE are tight, then the CP could get someone tossed.


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