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Back Pack

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Everything posted by Back Pack

  1. We discussed the concept of making sure the long-term use of any project was accounted for in the planning phase at length with the adult leadership. Obviously the issue of adding to the requirements came up. In the end it was out chairman who said all we need to do is have the scout as a simple question.If the beneficiary came back with an answer that put the long-term maintenance back on the troop we would evaluate as a troop but allow the scout to continue his project. We only have one project that is on going maintenance for the troop. The rest are maintained by the beneficiary. I will say
  2. In our troop most of the projects are done for city or county parks, schools or for some private organizations. It is on their property so it is their responsibility to maintain it. I should add that we advise our scouts to talk to their beneficiary about the long-term care of the project area as part of their project plan.
  3. Just crossed over. The younger ones are Tigers.
  4. It is a reference to a PG movie from a few years back. I am just surprised no mom got offended with the phrase. They seem oversensitive about the women helping at camp. For what it's worth, we had some Washington Redskins help out at camp one year. They wore their gear and logos, not scout gear. No one complained as far as I am aware.
  5. Sorry, Blue Ridge Mountain Council here. I have family in Tidewater, though they are just members and not involved in leadership.
  6. I suspect the parents of these Scouts must have been up in arms (kidding). http://www.bostonherald.com/sites/default/files/styles/gallery/public/media/2015/07/05/070515cheer001.jpg
  7. No one up in arms over the "You're Killing me, Smalls" t-shirt? But the Hooters logo makes people angry?
  8. From what I saw of the pictures posted of the women who volunteered they wore appropriate shorts, shirts, jackets, etc. They had visors with the logo on them. You may object to the logo's owner and what they stand for, but the logo itself is not bad or suggestive. As long as they were not giving away gear with logos on it I do not see the big deal. It would be the same if Daisy or Remmington or the Cleveland Indians or any other controversial logo or sponsor were to wear gear. Should a council not accept help from the Cleveland Indians or Washington Redskins if they show up wearing logo'd
  9. Perhaps I am just slow and just seeing this, and pardon me if it has already been said; but maybe the reason for the scoutmaster saying one thing and doing another is that he does not want to look bad. In reading the last few posts I got to thinking that the reason he may support the patrol method approach, but not really implement it, is that if things fail too often it is seen as a reflection on him and understood as a learning experience for the boys. Maybe if the adults around him let him know they support the patrol method and do not hold him accountable when things fail miserably it migh
  10. Our old charter organization is a VFW post. We'd have to walk through the bar to our meeting room. The girl scouts sell cookies there today. I remember as a kid going there for pack meetings. Didn't lead me to drink, smoke or womanize. I am in my 30s so I guess I still have time to learn yet.
  11. I guess my point was some here might consider them as such, so it is hard to know what people think is immoral. I would think most main stream Christians might not consider drinking or smoking as immoral. I know my grandmother considered both so though.
  12. Some would classify homosexuality, transgenderism, drinking, smoking or cursing immoral too. I wasn't sure how detailed you all get when discussing things, so was not sure what most would classify as immoral activity. I suspect all ends of the spectrum are represented here, so I did not want to single anyone out for their beliefs.
  13. Ironically there is no evidence of bandannas be used widely as headgear by pirates or buccaneers. This was added later to the mythology as garment itself did not reach Europe (Portugal) until the 16th century and were not popular with men in England (as a neck covering) until the 18th century. Maybe the troop should wear the leather hats these sources reference? https://sites.google.com/site/realpirates000/home/historical-topics/clothing-and-accessories/bandanna
  14. I live in the heart of the Virginia Bible belt. The people down here are pretty conservative. I suspect you might think they were overly conservative. While the men tend to be fairly religious, many of them have no problems with Hooters. I know their wives do, and the men always talk a good game against Hooter around their wives, but they still end up there if they travel east. There are no Hooters I am aware of along I-81. There's a Tilted Kilt in Harrisonburg that gets popular on game day; of course, no one would want their daughters working there. I would argue that the conservative fol
  15. I haven't been here long, but do you guys always take swipes at people's political affiliations? What does this have to do with conservative or liberal values? Most liberals I know hate Hooters for objectifying women. Guess what? It's the same reason most conservatives I know hate Hooters. Why the swipe at political views?
  16. When it becomes an addiction then that's an issue. How much screen time is too much? These kids get likely 4 hours or more a day? You'd think a week without it will kill them. Have yet to see a kid die from not using his Kindle to go to sleep.
  17. We had a guy like this in our troop last year. Our scoutmaster was an avid chess player. He had a hard time speaking to this one parent so he brought his chess clock to a camp out. During one afternoon he used the chess clock when talking to the parent just to prove his point. It was done in good humor and with the consent of the other parent. The point was proven that afternoon.
  18. I don't see a problem with Hooters sponsoring the event. I don't seem a problem with the workers volunteering. As long as they are dressed differently than they are at work, that should not be an issue. Appropriate dress at any scout event is required. Giving out Hooters gear is a bit much though. While some kids might thinks it's about owls, those of us that are older know the double entendre. Still, if you're going to get your nose out of joint about this issue then scouts may not be for you.
  19. Smart phones and tablets do this too.
  20. The printed book meets opposition from adults for its use? Maybe in 1356 but not in the 20th or 21st century. If someone is addicted to something you can point to all the cool stuff in the outdoors all you want to but they won't put that device away. If you are outside, be outside.
  21. Technology is helpful. A weather radio that doubles as a two-way is a great item to have. A phone as an emergency back up device is also good. I am a photographer by trade so I bring my camera gear (Nikon, GoPro). I usually have a personal locator beacon and a GPS device if in the back country. I try as much as possible to have multi-purpose gadgets so as to reduce my weight. I don't rely on my phone for GPS or compass or other such thing because it is not as accurate as a sole-function GPS or magnetic compass.
  22. I still think we discount the concept that these kids, and many adults, are simply addicted to technology. Need to calm yourself at bed time? Read your handbook or another book. Bored? Talk to a friend or make a new one. Home sick? Involve yourself in the many activities that summer camp has to offer. Learn a new skill. Teach a new skill. If you were at STEM camp I could see turning a blind eye to technology, but this isn't the case. When kids are addicted to something they need help. Giving them their "fix" is not the answer. We are talking about 5 days without Minecraft, certainly that's not
  23. Phone compasses do not work as well as a good magnetic compass. Apps showing you how to tie a knot are no substitute for learning with a real rope and someone guiding you. Leaders are built when other scouts help those requiring the help. If they have an app to teach them birds or knots or nature or first aid, we rob our other scouts of a chance to teach and lead. One thing we are missing here is that these kids are addicted to devices. While there may be reasons to use such devices, there are an equal number of reasons for them not to use them. The tie breaker in my mind are the lost oppo
  24. This is a failure of the other parents and the adult leaders in my opinion, not to mention the camp staff for allowing youth to charge devices. If you prohibit them for everyone then no one has them. In my troop no one calls home either. The adults take any home sick scout to the trading post for ice cream and we chat. Electronics usage is an addiction for many of these kids (and adults). Cutting the chord for a week is not that hard if you apply it to everyone.
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