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Back Pack

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Everything posted by Back Pack

  1. The requirements only say what to do. Not what type of water, conditions or anything else. If he wants to do it in a pool he should be allowed. If anyone insists it be done in a lake that’s adding requirements. If they deny him using goggles that’s adding requirements.
  2. Do you require them to pass without goggles? I agree with the others that denying them goggles is adding to the requirements.
  3. Severe weather in my area would be grounds. No one wants to be a tornado fatality.
  4. I have to re-read this a few times to get the sway of what was being said. No one in my generation writes like this. They’d just say it less discretely and that’s sad. Well done.
  5. I had counselors that took the worksheets and graded them. I never used them again. At some point it’s the scout who needs to step up and do what’s difficult. My SM would review a few times a year how a mb should be taught. He went over the action verbs you’d see in requirements and would tell us how to fulfill these. Some counselors would be surprised when guys from our troop would schedule meetings to discuss or show what we’ve learned. If more Scouts and troops did this the counselors might get a clue.
  6. When i see adults forming patrols and stepping in too often to help Scouts I can’t help but feel they are doing more than just being helpful.
  7. This is great advice. You are a giving person but it’s time to give to yourself and your family. You’ve done enough and it’s time for someone else to take over. Speaking as someone whose family gave a lot to scouting you need to take a break for your family.
  8. Should that control and justify giving adults control of an organization for boys? How is the fact adults take over at this level any different than adults taking over a troop or lodge? It’s the same excuse being used just on a larger scale. I get that working with kids is tough and it takes longer to get things done because we don’t see the big picture. But isn’t that what Scouting is about and why adults stay in scouting so long? Or is it really about reliving your youth? I’m starting to think for many adults it’s the latter though not necessarily you.
  9. In Scouts I originally liked camporees for the competition. By 15 I wanted something more laid back and fun. When I got to Venturing I really es like their rendezvous format. It’s like a camporee but your crew chooses which events they want. You get your choice of 5-6 events but there’s like 10-15 to choose from. There at no ribbons or prizes, just inter crew head to head competition for bragging rights. I would have really liked this in Boy Scouts.
  10. I used to say that to my dad. It was usually because I wanted to be home gaming or with my girl friend. To hear him tell it I would always say things were okay or fine even when I was having a great time. We would tak about it a few times and I don’t recall me ever explaining my feeing fully. What’s he say when you ask him why he was miserable?
  11. Is it Boy Scouts or Over 30 Scouts? I’ve read a few threads here and many of you guys keep telling people to read Baden Powell or Green Bar Bill. I’ve skimmed both pdfs and I don’t see them advocating a great deal for large involvement of large groups of men running things. So is it Boy Scouts where boys make decisions only when it’s convenient? Or do we truly want to have boys lead?
  12. Polls to be fair should be equitable (one person one vote no weighting), secure (keeps people voting more than once) and id specific (the person voting is the person registered). It’s the same premise for our political elections.
  13. Investing 400m plus and going in to debt without a sustained revenue stream makes poor business sense. Yeah I know I’m just a college student but it seems stupid to create something that does not have an return on investment that cannot be met in 3-5 years. Looking at BSA’s financials at a high level it seems ill conceived to float a bond for so much with declining membership, over reliance on private and “other†donations and no clear successful and sustainable revenue stream. I have to write a term paper on a company in trouble and analyze how they got there. I think I’ve found my t
  14. I suspect the top leaders make substantially more than they should. https://www.deseretnews.com/article/695226688/Scouts-may-be-thrifty-but-some-leaders-are-well-paid.html http://www.theusaparty.com/boy-scout-wall-of-shame.html
  15. That’s what I get for multitasking while reading econ. I’ve had to re-read tonight’s lecture again three times. Sorry for the confusion.
  16. Just? 47 years ago is just? I guess I am too young to understand the use of time references over 30.
  17. Didn’t the bsa won the law suit over using the military base for Jamboree? Didn’t they decide on their own to spend the money on Summit? Money they didn’t have?
  18. I’d bet you could do a dozen or so jamborees for 400 million plus the cost of operating the place since it opened.
  19. Here was an interesting article. https://www.google.com/amp/mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSBRE96E08B20130715
  20. I had a similar experience when I was 14. A good talk with my scoutmaster helped me get back involved.
  21. For the record this is the definition of a straw man. One could argue that requiring equal access to home based internet while dismissing the other ways people can access the internet is a straw man. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/straw%20man
  22. I think you missed his point as I read it. Most phones have internet so by default they have access to any web survey. The internet access you mention is old fashioned pc in the living room type access. If you look at other ways to access internet even poor people have access. Equal access does not mean everyone has to have internet in their home. It means they need to have access no matter the method. You seem hung up on access in the home. https://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/terence-p-jeffrey/census-americans-poverty-typically-have-cell-phones-computers-tvs
  23. The ginger analogy is way too accurate. I don’t know many guys who stay with their troops after 18. You just don’t fit in. Unless the Troops is adult run there’s nothing to do really. That’s a good thing I guess because it keeps parents out. Venturing is different depending on where you go. I am at school with 60 miles of my home so I stuck withy crew. We do stuff once a month and sometimes do stuff with the Troop but still separately. We’re going to Philmont next summer. Maybe your son will find a more active and independent crew.
  24. Love the idea. Step 1 should have been keep parents out. That’s a joke but actually serious.
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