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Posts posted by bayoustar

  1. Thanks Folks, The CO is a church. I plan on going and speak to them and inform them what I have found. He has already went and talked to the CO and the DC to have me removed. The DC stated he doesn't take sides and he represents the council and district. DC stated that COR/CC got approval from CO to remove me. guess I must be a big threat


    I'm curious how this worked? Councils don't collect financial statements or anything along those lines from units. The only "account" that the council would be involved with would be the unit account used to pre-pay registration fees, advancement item purchases, and the like. The council allows these folks to make deposits and withdrawals from this account?


    This is the account I looked up. noticed deposit made to this account from our pack account and there personnel account

  3. Thanks for the replies. He does attend the district committee meetings and roundtables. They do a great good organizing the pack events. But it seems all they care about is getting the scouts all the awards they can. Which is good. There has never been any reports on pack funds or popcorn sales or recharter dues collected at any of our committee meetings which they handle. . I have talked to other people that serve on other non-profit committees. They have told me that there meeting always cover the financial state of the NPO. Correct me if I am wrong, But what I was told at training is the the COR/CC handles the Business/Admin of the pack and the CM excutes whatever plan the committee comes up with.

  4. Hey all I need some advice on some issues with our pack's COR/CC. Basically it is him and his wife one is COR/CC and the other is Treas. My position is CM. They are very controlling I have other leaders and parents also telling me this. I have went and got trained and have tried to bring back what I learned. They don't want to get on board with what I want to do. They have started side stepped me. By emailing den leaders and omitting me from the emails. There is no accountablity or transparency. I have tried to talk to them one on one. But they get very defensive and shut me dowm. They seem to only follow the BSA policies they want to. Now I find out they have been paying for the pack awards for the last 3 months. When we just rechartered at the end of Jan. I have talked to other pack in the area and we are charging twice as much for recharting then they do. So I addressed my concerns at the last committee meeting. They stated the pack has no money. We have no budget. Which I requested we do last year. Now I have some upset Leaders wanting to know where all our fund went to. So i pulled our pack's account fromt he scout office. They have been mixing there personal funds and pack funds together on this account.

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