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Everything posted by mashmaster

  1. I sometimes do, but I base the discussion around the scout law or Oath typically. I have noticed that rarely do the boys have a clue about the current events we know about. Other than elections. In this case, I would talk about being respectful and brave. A scout should always be respectful of others beliefs and thoughts even if they disagree with them, we all come from different backgrounds and even all Christians don't believe exactly the same thing, but we as scouts all believe in the same Law and Oath. If we follow that, our compass will alway point us in the right direction. Scou
  2. So, internationally it is only the US and Saudi Arabia that it isn't co-ed. How exactly does it work in other countries?
  3. You are correct. Scout ranks must be awarded in order of ranks Scout, Tenderfoor, Second Class, First Class, Star, Life, Eagle Merit badge can be earned at anytime and can be used for Star, Life, and Eagle ranks. The MB's are a way of introducing a skill to a scout. Welcome to the forums, feel free to ask more questions.
  4. Are you serious? Because BSA goes co-ed, people leave the program for gangs? There will be adult leaders of both sexes teaching the boys and girls the scout law and values. It seems to work for Venturing quite well.
  5. Welcome to the forum. I recently did exactly what you are doing in January. It took us 2 months from the start. Feel free to PM me if you'd like to discuss specifics about the whole process. It was very successful for us but there issues that you will have to deal with.
  6. I am so sorry you had to deal with this. None of this is acceptable in any situation. Sadly, as others have pointed out, they are mimicking bad behavior they have learned somewhere and think it is ok.
  7. I didn't hear about the band. I heard from one of my scouts that is there that he was offended by the speech but kept quiet. I don't think it is just Adults that are reacting. The boys don't know what they are allowed to say or not. I told him to just be respectful and have fun.
  8. I think the response from BSA is good and measured. There are people on both sides of the political spectrum. Of the people that I know that are there from both sides agreed that the part about scouting was fine (they all agreed he just really isn't a good public speaker) but the non-scouting portions of the speech was not the right place for it.
  9. The Marriott family is LDS so I am assuming they attended scouts as a church family function. Bill Gates was a scout: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/301319031304897016/ Dad wasn't a billionaire but family was well off.
  10. I saw this statement from 67 years ago; it still rings true today. We must not return hate for the hate which these young people are being taught to feel toward us. We must realize that they are the victims of a cynical group of leaders. We must make it clear to them that we believe in the fellowship of human beings, in the possibility of cooperative human action, and in peace based on mutual understanding. We must show them, over and over again, that fellowship is possible between men of different nations, different colors, and different creeds. President Truman to the Scout Jamb
  11. My kid says the pledge everyday at school. I have lived in three states and Texas is by far the most outwardly proud of itself. I have lived in two states that were their own republics. Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible. Frankly, I would dissuade my scouts from bringing any politically based hats or shirts on a scouting event. No matter what their political belief is, it is divisive. I would say the same thing for "Hope" hats.
  12. I wish they would understand, It was everything I could do to hold it together and not say something that couldn't be retracted.... Another fun one we had was a boy that earned his totin chip from camp without holding a knife or axe.... The parents weren't happy I said no, but seemed to be ok when I explained that their son can ask any of our older boys on the next campout to teach him properly. I told them, it is better that way than us having to stitch him up.
  13. OK, funny/sad comment from a parent to me today. "How dare you go against what camp is saying they did. If you do this, you will lose scouts!" My response was scouts should be able to demonstrate what they did or learned otherwise they really aren't prepared. "But they will leave for another troop". I said that was their prerogative and I'm happy to provide them the contact information for other troops in the area..... This was from someone that wanted their son signed off on the 1000 foot climb for camping where the trail was 400 foot elevation gain. What lesson are they teaching their
  14. The problem I have with the First Class in the first year is that, they go to camp and do the trail to Eagle program or whatever it is called and they start marking off requirements for being present and not actually doing it. We check the boys after camp but I know most just say ok they get credit for it. We had a boy get the swimming merit badge while having a broken arm and never getting into the water. The camps are just mills.... And no he didn't get credit for the merit badge from us.
  15. I agree with Stosh. I still think the range master (and camp director) setup the range in the wrong place.
  16. WOW! That trailer is huge! How big is your troop?
  17. They are each a different kind of whale. Their flag is hilarious, parachuting whales.
  18. We have a patrol called the "Scout Whale Attack Team"
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