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Posts posted by WestCoastScouter

  1. At the risk of angering some here who may be LDS, it has been my personal observation that many of the stories we hear regarding deaths, injuries and just dumb antics come from LDS troops. Not all, but many. I'm not anti-LDS. I don't know what it is like in Utah where the vast majority of scouts are LDS, but where I'm from, the LDS troops participate in nothing......including training. Most LDS leaders don't register because they want to, but because they are directed to. They use the Boy Scout program, but they don't necessarily follow the Boy Scout program. I believe that if they would participate in the available training and network with units and leaders outside of LDS, they would be the better for it. Just my .02 cents. I apologize if that is offensive to anyone.
    You brought out the issue that is clear to most non-LDS scouters. In my district, most of the LDS unit leaders don't know what a scouting unit is, they don't like to go to training, and are just waiting to get away from their calling. It's that secret we don't want to say out loud.


    It's just something we don't want to say out loud. However, when when I first read the story I told people, "I bet that was a Mormon group...." And yep... Learned later I was right..

  2. I am a new District Commissioner, and one of the first things that I did was to review the rosters of the units and I found a troop that somewhat startled me...


    They have only 4 boys in their troop, and they have a total of 3 adults for all positions.... all the adults doubled up on "positions" in the troop.


    The Scoutmaster is also the IH. (He used to be the IH at his unit 3 years ago, but it never changed on their recharter for some reason)


    His wife is the CC and a MC. (She also serves as a de facto ASM)


    Their COR is also a MC. (He also serves as a de facto ASM


    My understanding is that they must have a COR, CC, and 2 MC's.


    The COR can serve as the CC... correct ? Can the COR also be a MC ? (I guess so ??)


    But the CC cannot also serve as a MC.


    I have been told that this unit is a "Mom and Pop" troop, where they have no desire to grow larger, and that they like having a small troop of less than 5 boys.


    What are the rules about their being allowed to "double up" on positions in a troop ?





  3. I am the new District Commissioner for a district that is in a rebuilding mode. We have not had roundtable meetings for about 3 years now, and I was wanting to get some ideas as to Roundtables that might "jumpstart" the SM's interest in attending. Sorry.... I do not yet have a Roundtable Commissioner yet.... So I am hoping to at least have a Roundtable every other month this year as at least a starting point, and then grow from there.


    So please if you can comment on some good topics that might generate some interest and attendance... Thanks everyone !!

  4. As we are coming closer to Summer, and thus summer camp.... I am wondering if anyone has ever used steel mesh globes as replacements for broken glass globes? I hear that they allow out a little less light, but are worth it to prevent broken glass globes?


    ...and yes... I know that battery lanterns are even safer.... but I somehow need to hear that familiar sound of a propane (or liquid fuel) lantern... :-)



  5. I am in charge of uniform inspection contest this weekend at Camporee. There is a question about the totin and firem'n chit patch placement. Some scouts are placing on their right pocket flap. Where an OA Lodge patch also is placed. My understanding is that although it is similarly shaped, that these chit patches do NOT go on the right pocket flap. Only OA Lodge patch goes on the flap. Am I correct.


    In the insignia guide there is no mention as to where to place the chit patches, but the OA patch, and the Cuc Summertime Pack Award patch is specifically mentioned as to be put on the uniform pocket flap. So I assume that if they wanted the chits to go on the flap They would have specifically said so.

  6. Why not also contact your local District or Council Commissioner ?


    Serve as a Unit Commissioner to a Pack or Troop ?


    It makes me sad when a parent serves from Tiger to Eagle with their son, and then once the son goes to college, they let themselves fade away...


    Scouting needs those leaders to stick around, back off a little in their commitment time if they want a break, but keep serving in other capacities... Our UC comes to lots of our events, campouts, when he wants on his own schedule.



  7. I am helping to schedule and put on our District Dinner in February.


    Our district is disfunctional. Just hired a DE after none for about a year. No district committee in about 3+ years, No District Commissioner for last 2 years. Last year the District Dinner was cancelled due to lack of registrations, and the award of merit nominations were all lost last year.


    But now we have a new DE, and a new DC. Both of whom are energetic and wanting to get the district back on track. A date has been set, and location reserved in February for a District Dinner, and nomination committee selected for the Award of Merit.


    To try to encourage attendence, it was suggested that we ask each pack and troop to name a "Cub of the Year" and "Scout of the Year". And then each unit can have a scouter of the year. Just as a recognition and a certificate of some type.


    We've been told by council people that they strongly oppose our doing this. That we should only give out "official" BSA awards... meaning just the Award of Merit (3 of them max), and knots to leaders.


    I'm afraid our dinner will have the three award winners, and their familes, and that's it.


    Is there any rule that says that we cant make up some other awards, or recoginations to try to promote attendence??? We hoped this would overall improve the morale and enthusiasm for our now limp district.

  8. Last year our DE resigned, and the District Award Dinner did not take place, and the Nominations for District Award of Merit nominations were thrown away, or lost in the process.


    We are back on track to have our District Dinner this year, and have the forms for year 2012 being sent out.


    QUESTION: Can we go back and get nominations for 2011 as well as 2012? Making sure the award is for service done in 2011?



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