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Everything posted by RememberSchiff

  1. @@hemispheres welcome to scouter.com
  2. Locally, I imagine we all have experienced behavior issues of the "other troop" at camporee and scout camp. Other than some talk not much changes - boys will be boys, just having a little fun,... Sad that we find our scouts falling back on street smarts or perhaps friendly caution is a better term at activities with other units. Wouldn't it be great at closing ceremony to award such units? Troop xxx come forward and receive the Granny Knot. You will not return (some period of time)... My $0.02,
  3. I thought Nixon originated the phrase Grab them....and their hearts and minds will follow but it was another President.
  4. Yes, good point. At the town level, this is where helicopter parents earn their pay. Local officials are becoming more of a problem, rather than talk about how government works, they often use their invitation to rant about politics. Anyway parents either step in or leave and now the speaker realizes he/she is just ranting to perplexed kids.
  5. Well if I am teaching character-building, I would expect if my scouts felt it was inappropriate they would tell their SPL who would then inform me or better the SPL would say Mr. Schiff this is inappropriate, we should leave. I would allow them to quietly leave. No disruption, if no one bars our exit. Freedom of speech goes both ways - speaking and listening. We have the freedom to respectfully listen or not listen (leave). Either way, we would debrief later.
  6. So if a government official (whatever party, topic, venue) acts inappropriately in front of your scouts, just stand by and watch?
  7. My grandmother had this warning. Only reason to wear a hat at MY table is you are getting ready to leave, Now are you leaving or do you want dinner? It was automatic for my Grandfather and Dad, years of training I suppose.
  8. The list of "inappropriate" government officials appears to be growing. Should the BSA just mail in "The Report to the Nation" in 2018? With apologizing for the free-speech of the President, you encourage follow-up sanction demands: What will you do to prevent it in the future? Ban the President from future Jamborees, require video only with 7 second delay, fire him as honorary President of BSA, ban government speakers, ban trips to D.C., allow units/scouts options in attending any speeches at Jambo ...? My $0.02,
  9. I wonder if some dads will join and pull their boys out of BSA into this program? Cost about the same, uniform provided, no fundraisers, no women... "...a parent can sign up for an account and do the badge requirements with their children. Once they have marked off the requirements in the system and are eligible to purchase a badge, a parent could buy multiple badges — one for them and one for their child."
  10. Me neither. Let's see if I understand In 2017, the Boy Scouts of America apologized for the bad behavior of the President of the United States who attended the Jamboree. In 2010, the Boy Scouts of America did NOT apologize for the bad behavior of their scouts and scouters towards the President of the United States who did not attend Jamboree. Bonus: a link to 2010 Jambo comments http://scouter.com/index.php/topic/8230-obama-not-speaking-in-person-at-jambo/
  11. My gawd, rather than teach skills and values, I am suppose to shield scouts away from scout-only patrol activities, ladders, power tools, now the President of the United States.
  12. This is an award from BoatUs , a marine services company and not the BSA. Unit competition seems to be disappearing from BSA culture. Remember when camporees had patrol competitions instead of merit badge classes? Maybe a third party, say Bass Pro or Vista Outdoors, will sponsor a Best Troop award nationwide. My $0.02
  13. The Sea Scouts program recently bestowed its 15th annual Sea Scout National Flagship Award to the Sea Scout Ship 100, SSS Dominion, of Manassas, Va. Sea Scouts is a specialized program within the Boy Scouts of America that is intended to improve youth boating skills with on-water practice, outdoor, social and service experiences and boost knowledge of maritime heritage. There are about 6,500 participants, about one-third of whom are female, on 550 vessels nationwide. The flagship award was created by BoatUS in 2002 to mark the 90th anniversary of Sea Scouts. It recognizes excellence in
  14. Great retirement gift for any scouter ready to ride into the sunset. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WWKLgwaXLI
  15. Here's one source. Others more digging is required. http://www.allcountries.org/uscensus/443_boy_scouts_and_girl_scouts_membership.html 1970 to 1980, we had almost a 50% drop. No change in membership policy .
  16. Program changes such as The Improved Scouting Program and youth protection issues (perversion files, etc,) negatively impacted membership far more than changes in membership policy.
  17. How does Council plan to do EBOR's?
  18. Most of those posters were probably not there either.
  19. Less personal please. Let's take it down a notch.
  20. I think mostly we here are praising our scouts' more respectful response to the President's visit, a vast improvement over 2010. Whether his speech was good, bad, ugly is on the President not us. As for Reagan not attending the 1981 Jamboree, he and his administration were working the illegal nationwide air traffic controller's strike. Some 13,000 air traffic controller went on strike which did a number on air travel. 6500 Jambo scouts with flights home were stranded. Reagan fired some 11,000 air traffic controllers. As I recall, many scouts got military flights home. My $0.02
  21. Hard to say, President Obama sent a short 94 second, pre-recorded edited video. President Trump appeared in person and spoke for much longer in his usual style. A fairly edited 94 second excerpt of that would be a better comparison. I did wonder if President Obama had taken the long view and appeared in person at the 2010 Jamboree following his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (who did not attend) days before, would Hillary Clinton now be President.
  22. If he did, he would be the first current US President to attend a World Scout Jamboree. The only other World Jamboree held in US (Idaho 1967), was attended by then Vice President Hubert Humphrey. Also for the 2019 World Jamboree , the BSA is co-hosting with Canada and Mexico, so yes it will be interesting to see who are invited.
  23. From the Summit Blog's Detail on the Presidential Visit, regarding respect. http://www.summitbsa.org/details-presidential-visit-monday As a unit leader or staff member, you can help make the president’s visit a success by ensuring that any reactions to the president’s address are, as we state in our Scout Law, friendly, courteous, and kind. This includes understanding that chants of certain phrases heard during the campaign (e.g. “build the wall,†“lock her upâ€) are considered divisive by many members of our audience, and may cause unnecessary friction between individuals and
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