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Region 7 Voyageur

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Posts posted by Region 7 Voyageur

  1. Boy Scouts (Arrowmen) are giving service to our nation at this very moment with Arrow Corps 5. This is the largest service project by boy scouts since World War II. I participated at the Mark Twain National Forest location from June 7 - 14th. The work we did was very well received by the U.S. Forest Service.

  2. I would pick Pete Rose. I do not care for his personality and his lack of integrity. He was a big part of one of the best teams in baseball, the Big Red Machine.


    If Joe Jackson had a lifetime ban from baseball and if he is no longer alive then why is he still banned from consideration from the hall of fame?


    BrentAllen, I too am a highpower shooter, master and long range master. I agree with your analogy to conversations in the pits!

  3. Tonight I had a scout show up that had not been at a troop meeting for 6 months. I could see a look of apprehension on his face as I approached to greet him. He looked relieved when all I said was "It is great to see you again". As he left the meeting tonight he gave me the thumbs up sign.



    I came home tonight after the troop meeting and I decided to unwind by reading the Scouter Forums. It was good to see an scouter here that I have not seen in a few years.


    Welcome back Bob White!

  4. There is some weird stuff going on here. On November 24th someone called TRUTH2 posted an identical post as TRUTH2 posted here on December 8th. Here is a link to the other post:




    So who is TRUTH2 talking to? The posters at Florida Today or us here at Scouter.com?


  5. I have been going to the scoutstuff website regularly since April. I am looking to buy a poly/wool uniform shirt. The item has been listed as out of stock with an anticipated in stock date of late April. When that date arrived the website changed the in stock date to some time in May. This has gone on repeatedly. Let's watch, the scoutstuff website currently says that the shirts are anticipated to be in stock between 7/13/2007 and 7/31/2007. As those dates approach new in stock dates will appear that are farther in the future.

  6. I have a Range Safety Officer Badge. It was issued to me after successfully completing RSO training through a class run by an NRA training counselor. No, it is not an official BSA patch but I do believe that my training and certification is recognized by the BSA. I am a Certified Rifle Instructor also.

  7. Life Requirement #5:


    While a Star Scout, serve actively for six months in one or more of the troop positions of responsibility listed in requirement 5 for Star Scout (or carry out a Scoutmaster-assigned leadership project to help the troop).



    This requirement does not require leadership. It requires responsibility. I would not agree with you troop committee. As you describe it they are attempting to add to the requirement and change the requirement by only accepting a certain position.

  8. There is no minimum age for working on any merit badge in Boy Scouting other than the age requirement for membership. Some camps impose a minimum age in order to control the number of scouts in the classes. From what you describe this camp may not be applying their camp imposed rule in a uniform manner.

  9. At the Wood Badge Course that I was a participant in we learned about gray areas and what was to be avoided in campfire skits and songs. That very night the staff put on a campfire song/skit that involved cross-dressing. It is very had to take a lession seriously if the teachers do not lead by example.


    My concept of what is acceptable is probably different that many scouters. It takes a lot to offend me. Usually if I see a bad skit my comment is "I didn't like it" or "I didn't get it". If you liked it or got it, good for you. I may tell you why I did not like it. (I may not)


    I am a Swede, Catholic, male, German, Bohemian (Czech), a former Lutheran and overweight. I have laughed and enjoyed jokes that poke fun at all of these groups.


    Ed, in a way the Boy Scouts do own the song "God Bless America". Irving Berlin gave the royalties to the BSA and GSUSA. Check this link out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_Bless_America


    (This message has been edited by Region 7 Voyageur)(This message has been edited by Region 7 Voyageur)

  10. I appear to have a different view on this than most here.


    In the troop that I serve the adults, SPL and ASPL are guests of the patrols. Each patrol is told how many guests to plan for when they are making their menu and purchasing food.


    Adults always eat with patrols. Scouts seem to put more effort into their meals when they know that guests will be eating with them.


    Adult patrol advisors have a vested interest in observing the menu planning and food preparation if they are going to be eating that food.


    We had a campout several years ago (which I was not able to attend) where the adults ate separate from the patrols. The adults had all kinds of gourmet food and reassured each other that they were setting an example for the patrols to emulate. No one paid much attention to the patrols as they cooked. As it turns out one patrol had undercooked pork chops for dinner. Three scouts threw-up during the night.


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