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Everything posted by ogghall

  1. Based on the variety of answers it is no wonder why our troop does not have clear diretion on local tour permits either. I do not understand why there is not a clear description given by BSA on when it has to be used. I go to our our district roundtables and if you ask the question in 3 different months you get three differnt answers. I guess the only reason from a liability standpoint I heard that it has to be filled out is that the troop liability insurance does not cover a troop claim if one is not filled out. If you go to the BSA site this is what it says: Tour Permits If a unit pla
  2. We are a small troop of about 14 active scouts. The SPL and ASPL have not been in either of our 2 patrols. They are in what is called the Leadership Patrol. It is made up of them and 2 others who are no longer active. They were JASM's. My thought is to put the SPL and ASPL back into PAtrols. Otherwise everytime we have a Troop SPL election or ASPL selection the patrols have to be revised so the number is somewhat equal. My question is, Is there a purpose to a "Leadership Patrol" or should SPL and ASPL's be in regular patrols?
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