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Posts posted by GP1971

  1. It's Divine


    Posts like this are just about causing me to not look at this forum. All I ever see is hatred directed at just about every aspect of Scouting. Everybody knows what BSA is and stands for. If you don't like it go elsewhere.

  2. I bought a flag at our national scout shop to use during den meetings. This past weekend it got wet and the colors ran. I think I've seen somewhere they don't do that but they did with the flag I was sold. I don't want another one but I want someone who can do something about it to know. Any suggestions of who to contact?

  3. Has anyone used the yucca packs recently? I am an old school kind of guy. I'd kind of like a small pack for hiking. I like alot of new designs but I want something American made. I haven't found an American made current style that I like.

  4. For all the preaching of diversity on here those that that don't agree with me or the original poster sure would like to see us go away or change our views. I am not assuming anyone completely agrees with me but the original poster does seem to feel the same way I do.

    No where in what he posted did it say that the program was offered as part of Jamboree as a courtesy to those from out of the country. If thats true than thats great. However we are THE Boy Scouts Of AMERICA. We speak english here or whatever some want to call it. Lets stop changing things to suit others. We have a long proud history here and we do not and should not apologize for it. Yes our country did wrong things but its still the best place on earth.

    I am not very good at expressing myself but I do not think anyone should move here to live and not learn to speak english. I have no problem with legal immigration but the illegals are a different story. I am a general contractor and have had to deal with the problem directly. Illegal aliens work for nothing and push down wages and allow others to bid low. I know of contractors who on prevailing wage jobs strike a deal with their illegals that they will pay them a little more but not the total wage so they can bid low. It works because the threat is that they will lose their job or be reported as illegal.

    I saw a news story linked here somewhere about a pack out west that was manipulating policy to allow a girl into the ranks because family is so important to hispanics. Thats great but its called Boy Scouts. The girls have their own groups. That is what I mean by changing our traditions to accept others. Why? Its because people are afraid of being called racist or discriminatory.

    I'm sure that after immigrating here Green Bar Bill learned this language we speak that I was always told was english. Who cares if our language is made up of other languages it is still ours and it is one of the things that joins a society together.

  5. They are offering the "first ever Spanish wood badge course" to be held in conjunction with Scouts de Mexico. Why? It's not just the Mexicans having a jamboree here. I read that to mean that they are offering Woodbadge in Spanish for Spanish speaking people that live here. Until you can put a name to what we are writing in here I'm calling English because that's what it is. Yes it is a dialect. I don't expect people visiting here to learn the language but I do expect people that come here and live to assimilate. They would expect it if us in their country. I do not see why we have to offer everything bilingually. This is the Boy Scouts Of America. Other countries have their scouts for the same reason we do. Why do we have to change to accept everyone else's ideals/customs?

  6. To me socialism is the fact that in the first qtr of 2008 the unemployment taxes for my general contracting business were $1200,in the first qtr of 2011 they were $7000. How do I pass that on to customers? Whether it makes Obama a socialist or not I don't know but it does mean he sucks.

  7. Your kidding about the footprints right? I agree with leaving no trash and not taking anything but nature is not so fragile that we can't leave some firewood or move something. The earth was here long before us and will be here long after we are gone. Let me state again that I am not in favor of leaving trash or taking things but nature is not glass and if knowing that someone was there before you ruins it get over it.

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