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Posts posted by ephensl

  1. Our troop has had this debate going for some time. We don't allow any electronic devices on our camp outs or summer camps. The exception might be the Senior Patrol Leader, as that can save us a lot of steps in a large scout camp. We take the scouts camping and to summer camps to do scouting stuff, not to be texting and calling girlfriends or playing games. The leaders have cell phones and if we have reception can call parents in an emergency, The parents likewise have our numbers as well as the camps office number. We just did a Hawaii trip and it was nice not dealing with the phones, even with the time difference. I have survived many scout camps without cell phones and did just fine as have all the boys who passed through our troop in those many years. We did issue some walkie talkies a few years ago and that worked quite well, as long as they weren't abused. But as with all things some troops issued every scout one and then we were forced to change channels quite often. Again we only issued one to our Senior Patrol leader.

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