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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/17/20 in all areas

  1. My takes: peer to peer recruitment is practically dead Troops rely solely on AOL crossovers Packs keep dying off. Less Cub Scouts eventually mean less Scouts BSA Members Reluctance to recruit new members outside of Packs.
    2 points
  2. Not True. Volunteers always know before Council Employees lol. One of the reasons i'm on this board, actually.
    2 points
  3. I agree with your first comment. Scouting is not an infinite program. It ends at 18. I have to disagree with your other comment about scouts ranking out. There is no such thing as ranking out of scouting.
    1 point
  4. What Scoutmaster other than a micromanaging egomaniac wants more stuff on his plate? A Scoutmaster’s duty is to his unit, his SPL, and his PLC. Unless he has a truly unique skill (he’s the only civil engineer in a rural district), let others do the counseling. You can find this philosophy throughout the Scoutmaster’s Handbook. Besides, just like parents, MB Counseling is as much about the Adult Association Method as it is about Advancement. Youth need a broad exposure to the ways of adults. We have seven years before some of them are out the door and on their own.
    1 point
  5. Wrong comment to read while eating lunch...🙄
    1 point
  6. I wish I could call that a stupid statement. I wish I could jump up and down in rage. I wish there was no way that such a thing would be allowed to happen. Sadly though, I shake my head and worry that you just might be right...
    1 point
  7. Perhaps after more trees are shaken... This week I received a Council notice regarding Council creating an Ad Hoc Committee complete with an attorney to "contribute funds". Here is a snippet from the FAQ: Is our council participating in the Ad Hoc Committee? What are the implications if we do/don’t? The national organization has facilitated the creation of an Ad Hoc Committee of local councils that will participate in its continued evaluation of this potential path forward. The Ad Hoc Committee will have an ongoing voice, as a group, in any restructuring considerations. The Ad
    1 point
  8. If I'm 'waiting with baited breath', does that mean that I have to put worms in my mouth? Do Red Wrigglers taste better than Night Crawlers?
    1 point
  9. First time in 15 years I haven't had to deal with recharter so my info might be a bit dated. The promotion bit has been there for a couple years. As I recall though there's a coordination issue between units. Not so big a deal if you're rechartering a pack and troop for a single CO. The multiple thing is very irritating. The only place I ever found to mark it is right at the very end of the process. Right before you submit, there's one last option to edit adults where the multiple option becomes available. It's almost like they don't want you to find it.
    1 point
  10. It's a database. Sort by category of primary membership. The issue is the credibility of the data given the explanation carebear gave on scoutreach a.k.a urban scouting.
    1 point
  11. Where are the effective responses then? As already mentioned in this thread, BSA social media and blogs are basically silent, for weeks or months at a time. Even through the official channels that the BSA controls, they're not saying anything. And I get the whole "can't comment on pending litigation" thing, but that doesn't mean they can't comment on the absolutely falsehoods being portrayed in the media. Like the idea that they don't vet volunteers, which was mentioned in the original article I posted. Why not do a blog post about the YPT program and outline exactly what volunteers
    1 point
  12. I can personally attest that is in fact the case. Lasted a couple of years. Immediately went back to volunteering with units and never looked back. You become a DE and Professional Scouter to (naively thinking) work with units, camp, become the Scouting expert. In reality you are pushing paper, have key 3 meetings with volunteers, doing a lot of planning, raising money, sweating membership numbers, following up on what volunteers haven't done, etc etc. Never really see a Scout, at camporees and summer camp it's all about the problems or a volunteer bending your ear over some issue.
    1 point
  13. It's ironic that the BSA claims it knows how to develop leadership.
    1 point
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