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  2. Before these Rules and Regulations, the Sokovia Accords, and the Prime Directive ... March 3, 1913 - Women Suffrage Procession in Washington, D.C, violence erupts. 1500 Scouts armed with batons and first aid kits took action. Sources: https://www.nps.gov/articles/000/boy-scouts-at-the-1913-suffrage-parade.htm https://prologue.blogs.archives.gov/2013/03/01/suffrage-and-suffering-at-the-1913-march/
  3. From Rules & Regulations of the Boy Scouts of America July, 2023 Participation in Public Functions (page 6) Scouters must, when practicable, cooperate in connection with civic or other public gatherings of a nonpartisan and nonpolitical character in a way that gives youth members an opportunity to render service in harmony with their training instead of merely taking part in parades in their uniforms. Any such participation must be consistent with the principles of the Scouting movement .... Policy Concerning Political Questions (page 7) The Boy Scouts of America mus
  4. Today
  5. Well, generally speaking, that also has to be case-by-case, no? Some boats need rocking and now is the time to do it. But not every boat, and not every boat right now. All the combinations of good intention, bad intention, good outcome, and bad outcome occur. The trick is to get better at recognizing both intentions and outcomes. Sometimes being conflict averse is bad. Sometimes it builds harmony that leads to strength and functioning. Without a situation or a context you can't really say if it's good or bad. With a clear and stable mind, we can take the attitude of "first thought, b
  6. It seems to me that too often being conflict averse leads to conflicts of interest and lack of engagement in life. What do I know? Mine is more in the rearview now.
  7. I have a friend in Virginia whose daughter earned her Gold and who is very active in general in school, soccer, and other things. I asked him his opinion. His response was that the Girl Scouts encourage the girls to be activists. An interesting view from someone that has been involved a long while with them, and and also has a boy tht is now Life.
  8. So more conflict-averse rather than trying to draw the line between civic and political?
  9. Two sides to this. Freedom of expression vs child safety? Our local Eagle Board approves projects that serve the community for greater good, harmonious, good-PR,... The Board is not looking for controversy or conflict.
  10. Curious about this. Opposing book bans seems civic to me, as opposed to political because freedom of speech is a bedrock foundation of liberal democracy and the context of book access in community libraries is one in which freedom of speech is appropriately the most salient one, including in historical context. (As opposed to limiting speech to what is scoutlike and consistent with the Scout Law and Oath in BSA contexts, for example.) Wo Bücher brennen... Why don't you think your council's Eagle Board would approve this?
  11. Get an EDGE on Business With This Scouting Lesson. by Televerde CEO Chris McGugan "One of my favorite events of the year is right around the corner. On Thursday, May 23, The Boy Scouts of America Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Council is hosting their annual Community Leadership Breakfast. It’s an inspiring morning in support of an excellent organization, and this year, the keynote speaker will be business magnate and BSA CEO, Roger Krone. Roger is promising a candid discussion about all that’s changing in our world, and I can’t wait to hear what he has to say. With my sons in Scouting
  12. Update 04/16/2024: Jamboree Independent Review Panel Report released "In September 2023, the World Scout Committee appointed a Review Panel for the 25th World Scout Jamboree to independently and impartially review the events associated with the 25th World Scout Jamboree. Panel members included Neil Carney (Co-Chair, Ireland), Phil Harrison (Co-Chair, Australia) Rocí­o Moreno Lopez, (Mexico), Mare Reinicke (Sweden), Ana Saldarriaga (Colombia), and Kevin Tan (Singapore), who were selected based on their demonstrable and varied subject matter expertise, and their geographic and cultural dive
  13. The Scoutmaster's "Minute" is not just for a Troop Meeting Closing, it is a guiding principle. 😉
  14. Yesterday
  15. Interesting point spinning off from JTE. How much should the PLC be invested in those benchmarks?
  16. And another one appears. Now it is the AKC. https://www.aol.com/news/american-kennel-clubs-pedophile-problem-140634396.html Again, it is not just BSA. It is a societal problem, and the focus needs to be far broader. But it will never be completely stopped, as that is not part of the human nature element. "Still no excuse for the mistakes and actual abuse in BSA."
  17. Currently at about 42,000, so looking for 19-20% growth in a year is a pretty big goal.
  18. This concerns me about Scouts Canada, from the article above. "The audacious goal for 2025 Scouts Canada's goal is to support 50,000 young people with unique opportunities they wouldn't find elsewhere through new programs that meet the local needs of underrecognized, newcomer, and mainstream communities." 50,000 youth members?
  19. https://www.scouts.ca/news-and-events/news/2024/04/scouts-canada-makes-pledge-to-be-scouts-for-all-canadians New leadership and focus announced monday.
  20. How about a good look at the "Journey to Excellence" worksheet and head towards at least a Bronze rating? All those KPI can be ok, but wouldn't an advancement rep best report from their seat? SM is not a committee and should stick to SM stuff while committee can dig deep into expenses, advancement, recruiting. Pretty much the team while the SM is quarterback.
  21. I would lead with: 1) Is the PLC running the Troop well? 2) Are new scouts <2 years integrating well into the activities and patrols. 3) Are AOL scouts attending any meetings and outings and has that gone well? I think the other items are fine, but some should also come from committee members themselves (advancement chair, etc.).
  22. IMHO. Delegate. KISS (Keep It Simple Scoutmaster) , oh and go paperless or lesspaperworkess, The Troop Committee usually has a Secretary, Activities Chair, Equipment Chair,... and the troop has a Scribe and Quartermaster. Back in the day (there he goes again), much of the same was accomplished by simply updating a troop advancement chart and calendar which was hanging on meeting room wall. My $0.02,
  23. Looks like Blackberry (RIM) stock price. I expect BSA numbers will be similar. I still believe in scouting but a lot has to change for it to grow again and I don't think those changes will happen.
  24. "Tiffany Thompson, who is the Troop Leader for Troop 10121, said that while the girls were thinking of ways to spend the profit from their cookie sales, one of them expressed interest in purchasing a well like what was done in the book “The Sparkle Box”. Thompson said the troop was actually able to make it happen thanks to a connection the West Logan Church had with a pastor in Uganda who does that kind of work. ... Thompson said the well cost around $1,800 and will be dug as part of the efforts of Pastor Paddy Musoke. Thompson said the well will come with a plaque noting that it was
  25. I would go lean on the advancement statistics. You can give that at each CoH. IMHO, the most important thing a committee needs to know regarding advancement is how much is being spent on patches and awards. how many BoRs were completed and thanking MC's who devoted time to this. how many BoRs might be needed in the coming month. how many MBCs are fielded by the troop, and which MBs need a counselor in your district. Try to listen intently to your PLC for ideas they float that may need committee assistance. These could be properties to camp on, special equipment
  26. Last week
  27. Some other KPI (Key Performance Indicators) you may want to consider Number of Scouts lost on outings last quarter and actively found Number of Scouts lost on outings last quarter that you did not look for but who seemed to have turned up anyway Scouts left at gas / food stops last quarter while driving to or from outings Number of rain jackets forgotten at last outing with rain (can also be expressed as a percentage) Number of class A shirts misplace that seem to have magically been found Number of items "stolen" on an outing last quarter that were "found"
  28. BSA President & CEO Roger Krone Shares Remarks at the Know2Protect Launch Press Conference at Homeland Security
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