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Eagle1993 last won the day on March 11

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2160 Excellent

About Eagle1993

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 04/19/1977

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  • Occupation
    Director of Engineering
  • Interests
    Fishing, hiking, camping, scouts with my son & daughter, watching Chicago professional sports teams & spending time with my family
  • Biography
    Earned Eagle in 1992, aged out then returned to Scouting when my son joined as aTiger. Committee Chair of my Pack since 2015., Scoutmaster of Troop since 2019. Den leader of a Webelos Den.

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  1. I would lead with: 1) Is the PLC running the Troop well? 2) Are new scouts <2 years integrating well into the activities and patrols. 3) Are AOL scouts attending any meetings and outings and has that gone well? I think the other items are fine, but some should also come from committee members themselves (advancement chair, etc.).
  2. Looks like Blackberry (RIM) stock price. I expect BSA numbers will be similar. I still believe in scouting but a lot has to change for it to grow again and I don't think those changes will happen.
  3. Coed camping already occurs with venturing and Packs. So, we are really only talking about adding coed camping for 11, 12 and 13 yo. In addition, coed camping exists in those ages as linked Troops share camping sites all the time, including at BSA events. Clarification... When I say coed, I mean boys and girls camping at same site. Now, if you mean in the same tent, I agree that won't happen for a long time.
  4. Perhaps it is just my highschool, but as a parent of a teenager I have to say expectations of what teens must do far exceed what was expected of teens 20, 30, 50 years ago. First, they are expected to take college level courses in high school. When I was a kid, I took 2 AP courses, now ... If you want any chance to get selected by a highly selected university you need at least 8. Plus you need to have nearly perfect grades and an ACT/SAT that is very high. Then look at sports. When I was a kid you can simply walk on to most teams and the sport lasts the season. Now, the best t
  5. I just completed a scouting survey. It included standard questions and asked for recommendations. It has additional questions for Scoutmasters that dug into collecting feedback about how girls troops are run (are they really independent or integrated and if integrated how integrated are they). It then had questions about recommendations if BSA should consider coed Troops and if they were coed, how integrated should the integrated Troops be managed. Hopefully this is really a survey to get input before decisions but I know that is not always the case. However, I can say that BSA must b
  6. I will say for my company, DEI has gone well (overall). There are a few times where I think it went sideways, but overall we have greater pools of talent for hiring, our profits have increased substantial over the last few years and year end bonuses are the highest they have ever been. Personally, I have been happy with my career progression. When I hire, I have never been pressured to hire an under or unqualified candidate. If someone quits because they are against diversity, inclusion or equity... So be it. I haven't seen many people quit my company and definitely no one with t
  7. I know probably the best employee at our local council is gay. He was promoted and I didn't know he was gay until after he left. The council is worse off after he left. If DEI helps us get employees from more walks of life and expands the pool of talent, I don't see it as a negative. If it is used to push out people than I have an issue with it. I think how an organization handles DEI is really what is important. I'm not an employee of BSA so I'm not sure how they are using it.
  8. What is the hidden message? I do think there are more girls and gay scouts than there were in the past (so in part it is working). I'm not sure about other groups.
  9. To expand scouting beyond those who typically participated?
  10. My district dropped 9% from end 2022 to end 2023, we only post 2.5% end 2021 to end 2022. In the past 2 years we lost 16% of our Troops and more are near the end. Packs and crews are roughly steady.
  11. Hey, you on line for some quick advice?

  12. The consequences of a massive shrinking BSA. In addition, the practice of changing volunteers who staff is not a great practice. One of the ASMs in my troop had a lead role in past Jambos. He spent over $5000 out of own pocket to volunteer (flights to Dallas, food, etc.) along with hundreds of hours just in prep. He couldn't justify keeping up that level of commitment. That said, several of my Eagle scouts said Jambo (not last year's) was by far the best experience you can get in scouting. These are youth that also went to Philmont and. BWCA. Why? They both explained that anyone c
  13. Roger Krone is showing far more engagement in a few months than Mosby did in years. No complaints so far! That said, BSA is in a crisis. Hopefully he takes aggressive action to course correct.
  14. That really should be it in terms of appeals. I can't imagine this bankruptcy being undone if the Supreme Court punted now.
  15. I think we are at the point of agree to disagree and time to move on. Let's get back to the initial focus of this topic. @RememberSchiff
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