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Ten Reasons To Be An Adult Leader

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Ten Reasons To Be An Adult Leader




Friday, September 01, 2006


It is that time of year. Boys around the country will be joining Boy Scouting for the first time this month. And new parents will be asked to help their troop by becoming an adult leader. There are many reasons not to be a leader, but let me give you ten reasons why you should become a Scouter. (These are not in any sort of order.)


1) Be a positive influence in a boy's life. I think we can agree that there are many youth out there who can benefit from more of this in today's world.


2) Learn new skills. You are never too old to learn a new skill. And to tell the truth, I don't think a person can ever learn too many skills.


3) Teach boys new skills. There are few things in life that will make you feel more proud then when you watch a boy or young man using a skill that you have helped them to master.


4) Make new friends. Not only will you form friendships with the boys, but you will also form new friendships with other Scouters.


5) Help your community. You provide this service through your unit's service projects and by helping boys grow up to be better adults.


6) Spend time in the Great Outdoors. You really do need to get out of that recycled-air, stressed-filled office enviroment at least once a month.


7) Have a good laugh. Working with Scout age boys can be fun and funny in many ways. Just remember to laugh with the boys, not at the boys.


8) Go traveling. There are thousands of places to go that provide a great Scout Outing. And do not forget the opportunities to go to a National Jamboree, Philmont, or the other high adventure bases.


9) Get some exercise. We could all use more exercise. Just try keeping up with a group of Boy Scouts.


10) Be a kid again! Scouting gives adults the chance to have just as much fun as the Scouts themselves. Make sure that you do!


Well, those are ten of my reasons for being an adult Scout Leader. I am sure that some of you reading this could add some more to the list. I invite you to leave a comment and add those reasons.


posted by Scoutmaster Steve J. B. at 5:43 PM

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