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Leather stamps - by BSA rank

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My scout store carries stamps for the various Cub Scout ranks, AOL, Eagle, BSA emblem. Never saw any for the Boy Scout ranks.


Just checked out the scout store web site. Go to CRAFTS, LEATHER, LEATHER STAMP TOOLS (Look for leather square with Tiger) They have a list of stamps, but none for Boy Scout ranks, POR, or Adult Ranks.


The description indicates "Now with more detail". Hope so. I have a set of the Cub Scout ranks I bought to allow my den to make leather neckerchief slides. Stamps made very poor impressions.



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hey guys, this will be my first post, mainly just looking the site over and came upon this post. I''m like one of the other guys here, I have seen Cub Scout rank, AOl, and BSA stamps from Tandy, but no rank stamps. Leatherwork is a hobby of mine and I have seen ads from companies that make custom stamps, but they are expensive. I''m at work for 7 days, but when I get home I will look thru my leather magazines and provide the names to these companies if you like. tlowry

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