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This is my 10th year doing scout recruitment and my 10th year getting stuck in the middle of politics. Now, BSA has a brand new, inconsistent and wimpy new policy statement guaranteed to make no one happy. I just dread recruitment this fall. Doubt we will have a back to school night table. Doubt we can do in-school flyers.


I hope BSA fixes the policy statement before scouting dies.


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I'm doing recruitment this fall, too, but I'm in Cub Scouting. I have never allowed the membership policy of the Texas office affect what I do in my Oregon town. It's not in the any of my training material. It's not on the registration form. It is not part of my program. I don't see any reason why it needs to be a part of yours if you don't want it to be.

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Suck it up, Fred! The news cycle has moved on to my having to explain to folks that we don't really hate fat kids! By the fall it will be something else. What you do: Get out those pictures. Show them to the school principle. Tell them you want to replicate those smiles. Forget the table. Set up a tent. A fake campfire, whatever. Ask boys "Do you want in on this?"

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Suck it up, Fred! The news cycle has moved on to my having to explain to folks that we don't really hate fat kids! By the fall it will be something else. What you do: Get out those pictures. Show them to the school principle. Tell them you want to replicate those smiles. Forget the table. Set up a tent. A fake campfire, whatever. Ask boys "Do you want in on this?"
Set up the derby track if you have one. Leave the electronics off and let the kids have some fun.
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Suck it up, Fred! The news cycle has moved on to my having to explain to folks that we don't really hate fat kids! By the fall it will be something else. What you do: Get out those pictures. Show them to the school principle. Tell them you want to replicate those smiles. Forget the table. Set up a tent. A fake campfire, whatever. Ask boys "Do you want in on this?"
I agree with KDD. If you can pull off something like that with some of your current scouts loaning their vintage racers, you've got it made in the shade. Few people are going to notice the membership policy.
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Fred, I like the ideas above about recruiting with the BOYS' PROGRAM, instead of adult issues.


Make up a few business cards with your scout title, and phone number. If any adults want to corner you on membership policy, hand em a business card and say, "that's an adult topic and we are here for the boys now. Call me at home if you want to talk further." Very very few will call. They just want to entertain themselves with questions.

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Like others mentioned, aim your recruitment mentality and activity for the boys. The adults will follow. Don't get wrapped up about the policy business. I think the pro-Scouters would prefer you to worry about it so they don't have to. If someone is intent on pestering you about it, give them a copy of the policy with the phone number/email of your Council Scout Executive. Either type, those who think Scouting has crossed a bad line, or those who think Scouting still intolerant, are likely not really in the market for BSA involvement anyway.

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