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Where to find District Committee members and Comissioners??

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Former Scouters, retired SM's, CM's, SA's, CA's,... Tehy may be "burned out" or "tired" of the Troop/Pack (or politics) but may be willing to share thier experience on the District/Council side.


Another option would be business leaders (Bank Pres., CEO's,..) they make GREAT Eagle Board members.


Another place is the Military. Most bases have some senior personnel that would like to help the community but want to do it low key.


My $0.02



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This year one of my projects is to get contact information for fifty people residing in the district who are signed up for the new Scouting Alumni program.


I'll be contacting them and working to convert them into registered BSA leaders, with an emphasis on filling district positions.


Ask your district chair to do a Friendstorming session at a district leader meeting, with everyone encouraged to suggest names of possible new district leaders. We did that a year or so ago and came up with fifty names ---although no one followed up on contacting those people.


As a district Membership Chair I'm in contact with a variety of different unit leaders, most of whom need my help. I often question them about identifying pack and troop adults to help fill various unit positions. A parent who takes recruiting flyers around to different schools can be thanked and asked to do another task.


In my case, I was a former Scoutmaster who volunteered to help a Scout Troop as ASM in March, 2004. A unit leader suggested I attend the Roundtable one month, which I did. the next month he suggested I attend the District Leader Meeting, which I did. The next month at the October, 2004 District Leader Meeting, the District Executive pitched me on being the District Membership Chair, a position I've filled since then.


District Executives get occasional leads on people interested in being Scout Leaders from websites like beascout.org. My District Executive used to e-mail those leads to me since I had more time to pursue them than he did. So I'd contact those people and find out what kind of things they might be interested in doing, and find a place in Scouting for them. (Of course, completing the adult Leader App and background check are especially important in such cases).



Let me know when you exhaust those possibilities.

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It is easy in my district. The District Director simply appoints the positions he wants to fill while leaving the others vacant. Haven't had a district commissioner now for two years. Nobody is allowed to contact the district chairman unless they go through the DD first. And to top it off, we continually made quality district status for years.

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